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North America

How Americans Think About Trade

In the News
Foreign Affairs
Diana C. Mutz

Americans’ views are shaped by trade’s perceived effects on the United States as a whole, their feelings about the trading partner country and US political party in power, and their general outlook on the world beyond their country’s borders.

Workers in a Honda plant
Global Economy

Bipartisan Bill Could End Our Casual Relationship with War

In the News
Chicago Tribune
Elizabeth Shackelford

The Council's Elizabeth Shackelford explains how a new bipartisan bill could renew Congressional war powers and reign in presidential power to engage the United States in conflict.

US soldiers in Afghanistan
US Department of Defense
Defense and Security

Giving Congress Its War Powers Back

Deep Dish on Global Affairs Podcast

Oona A. Hathaway joins  Deep Dish  to lay out a step-by-step plan for Congress to revive its war powers.

US Capitol Building viewed from the east front
Martin Falbisoner
Defense and Security

International Relations Scholars and the Public on US-China Policy

Running Numbers by Craig Kafura

A comparison of two recent polls finds some similarities—and some significant differences—in how international relations scholars and the American public want to approach China.

Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan meet with CCP Director of the Office of the Central Commission for Foreign Affairs Yang Jiechi and State Councilor Wang Yi, in Anchorage, Alaska, on March 18, 2021
Ron Przysucha
Public Opinion

Publics React to Mandatory Vaccination, the Olympics, and Governments' COVID Management

Running Numbers by Coauthors

Populations around the world remain divided over how comfortable they are returning to normal life as the Delta variant spreads.

Olympic flag in Tokyo
Global Health

Ivo Daalder on NATO 2030

Video Series
Featured Video

Council President Ivo Daalder examines NATO's future in testimony for the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Europe.

Nato family photo
NATO 2030
US Foreign Policy

Why a Dark Future Demands Urban Leadership

In the News
Bloomberg CityLab
Ian Klaus

Ian Klaus explains why cities will play a critical role in responding to an uncertain future.

City of the Future Global Cities

Joe Biden, Russia skeptic

In the News
Ivo H. Daalder

Ivo Daalder talks with Ian Bremmer on this episode of GZERO World about the state of the US-Russia relationship.

US Foreign Policy

With Sights on China, America Declares a New Cold War

In the News
Chicago Tribune
Elizabeth Shackelford

Elizabeth Shackelford discusses growing tensions between the US and China

US Foreign Policy

Death Without Deterrence, or Why Tripwire Forces are Not Enough

In the News
War on the Rocks
Paul Poast

The Council's Paul Poast argues "Let’s achieve peace by planning for victory rather than for human sacrifice."

Tripwire Forces
Gunnery Sgt. Rome M. Lazarus
Defense and Security