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South Asia

As Rollouts Vary and Issues Arise, Global Public Opinion Shows Vaccine Anxiety

Running Numbers by Coauthors

With high-profile suspensions of the AstraZeneca and Johnson and Johnson vaccine, fear of potential side effects and uneven efficacy of vaccine rollouts are causing concern for some.

Traffic cones mark parking areas for COVID-19 vaccination sites.
Joshua Hoehne
Public Opinion

Brazil's President Is A Global Health Threat

In the News
Robert Muggah

Robert Muggah discusses Brazil's health crisis under the leadership of their president, Jair Bolsonaro.

Brazil's president Bolsonaro speaks to a crowd
Global Health

Myanmar's Democratic Transition is Failing. What Now?

Deep Dish on Global Affairs Podcast

Last week the Burmese military took control of the country, ousting democratically-elected leaders. Christina Fink and Debra Eisenman join host Brian Hanson on Deep Dish to discuss.

Protestors take to the streets in Yangon to protest a military coup.
Global Politics

The Chain Reaction of Climate Change and Invasive Species Spread: Impacts, Realities, and Sustainable Solutions

Global Food for Thought by Sara Hendery

The extreme climatic events that are brought on by climate change, such as floods and droughts, open new entry points for the spread of invasive species.

Tuta absoluta, a pest mainly of tomato crops
Patrick Clement
Food and Agriculture

Kosovo-Serbia, Post-Abe Japan, Nord Stream 2

Video Series
World Review with Ivo Daalder

Reporters from leading media outlets join the Council to discuss the Kosovo-Serbia relations, Japan, the Navalny poisoning, and much more.

Two ships involved in construction of the natural gas pipeline North Stream 2
Pedant01 via Wikimedia Commons
Global Health

EU Budget, Russia's UK Influence, and COVID-19 Vaccine Wars

Video Series
World Review with Ivo Daalder

Journalists from some of the world’s leading media outlets join Council President Ivo Daalder to discuss the EU budget deal, what Europe can learn from Russian influence in the UK, and the politics of a COVID-19 vaccine.

A person wearing surgical gloves prepares a vaccine shot
Mufid Majnun
Global Health

Systems Thinking at Work in South Asia's Food Production

Global Food for Thought by Coauthors

How can we achieve food and nutritional security in ways that also enhance rural livelihoods, reduce environmental degradation, and boost agriculture’s resilience?

A farmer rides a tractor through a crop while harvesting
Jed Owen
Food and Agriculture

The US-India Relationship: True Friends and Helicopter Sales

Running Numbers by Brendan Helm

While Trump has hailed Prime Minister Narendra Modi as a "true friend" and extolled the world’s largest democracy, are Americans equally as enthusiastic about the US-India relationship?

Flag of India
Mitul Gajera
Public Opinion

I am Gita

Global Food for Thought by Roger Thurow

We all share in the cost of lower education, reduced labor productivity, and escalating health care costs.

Children in Tanzania stand below a line showing the median height for 9-year-olds globally
Gates Foundation
Food and Agriculture

Kashmir Is the 72-Year 'Wound' between India and Pakistan

Deep Dish on Global Affairs Podcast

Bloomberg's Nisid Hajari and Paul Staniland of the University of Chicago join Deep Dish to discuss how the decision to revoke Kashmir's special autonomy has once again torn open tensions between India and Pakistan.

Demonstrators protest the scrapping of the special constitutional status in Kashmir by the Indian government, outside the Indian High Commission in London
Global Politics