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East Asia

COVID-19 Vaccine Availability Grows While Global Public Opinion Shows Continued Concern

Running Numbers by Coauthors

Even as the vaccine rollout continues, some nations consider greater restrictions and further lockdowns as case numbers increase.

Army Spc. Angel Laureano holds a vial of the COVID-19 vaccine, Walter Reed National Military Medical Center
US Secretary of Defense
Global Health

Talking Taiwan with Former National Intelligence Officer Paul Heer

In the News
Sinica Podcast
Paul Heer

Paul Heer examines the Taiwan conundrum — one of the thorniest and most fraught issues confronting the new Biden foreign policy team as it navigates the US-China relationship.

Taiwan flag US Foreign Policy

An Incremental Approach to the DPRK

In the News
RealClear Defense
Matthew Abbott

Matt Abbott analyzes the future relationship between the United States and North Korea.

Chairman of the Supreme People’s Assembly of the DPRK Pak Thae-song Global Politics

A New Consensus for Growth in the 21st Century

In the News
Civil Service College Singapore
Kris Hartley

A new model for development—based on synergy, vigour, and sustainability—may be key to addressing changing needs in an age of globalisation and digital revolution.

The city of Singapore at night
Lilly Banse
Global Cities

Real Estate Weighs on Moon's Approval Rate

Running Numbers by Coauthors

Karl Friedhoff examines South Korea's President Moon Jae-in's administration and the real estate issues, including high rental costs in Seoul, that have led to a high disapproval rating.

President Moon Jae-in speaks during a press conference.
Jeon Han
Global Economy

Global Public Opinion Shows Fear, Caution as COVID-19 Lockdowns Renew

Running Numbers by Coauthors

The Chicago Council Survey team provides updates on public opinion on the COVID-19 pandemic from the US, Japan, South Korea, France, the United Kingdom, Italy, Canada, Germany, and Mexico.

A researcher works in a lab at the Duke-NUS Medical School
Global Health

BTS Prepares to Enlist, South Korean Public Split on Exemption

Running Numbers by Coauthors

Should members of the South Korean boy band BTS receive an exemption from mandatory military service?

BTS before the 2017 American Music Awards
Korea Dispatch
Public Opinion

World Review: Global Reactions to the Election

Video Series
World Review with Ivo Daalder

Reporters from some of the world’s leading media outlets joined the Council to consider the impact of the 2020 US election on foreign policy.

A person looking at their phone colors in a US electoral map
US Embassy New Zealand
Global Health

Food Delivery in South Korea Stresses Small Restaurants

Running Numbers by Coauthors

A rise in demand for food delivery is outpacing the capacity of delivery workers, leading to concerns about food price increases.

A restaurant in Seoul, South Korea
Jirka Matousek
Tech and Science

Americans and Asia in 2020: Three Things to Know

Running Numbers by Craig Kafura

With the US election a week away, here are three key things you need to know about the American public's views on Asia in 2020.

Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Jonathan Greenert salutes as he passes the American and Japanese flags during a full honors ceremony at the Japanese Ministry of Defense
US Navy
Public Opinion