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East Asia

Challenges with Russia for South Korea's Next President

In the News
Karl Friedhoff

"When you look at South Korea’s imports from Russia, roughly 60% of those imports are either crude petroleum or refined petroleum,” says Karl Friedhoff on CNBC.

Karl Friedhoff on CNBC Squawk Box Asia. Public Opinion

Japanese Public Backs Sanctions on Russia, Aid to Ukraine

Running Numbers by Craig Kafura

In a shift from just a month ago, the Japanese public favors tough sanctions on Russia in concert with the US and Europe. 

Japanese people protest Russian invasion at night near a skyscraper.
Public Opinion

The Real Lesson for Taiwan from Ukraine

In the News
The National Interest
Paul Heer

“The most important lesson from the Ukraine crisis regarding Taiwan is not for Beijing or Taipei, but Washington,” writes Paul Heer in the National Interest.

Silhouettes of soldiers walking up a hill.
Defense and Security

South Korea's Presidential Election: The Big Picture

In the News
The Diplomat
Karl Friedhoff

Karl Friedhoff joins Sang Kim, Lee Sook-Jong, and the Diplomat's Shannon Tiezzi to discuss the issues driving the South Korean presidential election.

Screen shot of Karl Friedhoff on a video call with Sang Kim, Shannon Tiezzi, and Lee Sook-Jong. Public Opinion

THAAD (Briefly) Enters the South Korean Presidential Debate

Running Numbers by Karl Friedhoff

The South Korean public is split on a second THAAD battery, but the question wording left a lot to be desired.

A Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) interceptor is seen in Seongju, South Korea,
Public Opinion

Liberal vs. Moderate Democrats on Use of US Troops

Running Numbers by Emily Sullivan

While moderate Democrats are more supportive of funding the military, liberals are more willing to deploy troops to defend allies, 2021 Chicago Council Survey data show.

Military personnel from the 82nd Airborne Division and 18th Airborne Corps board a C-17 transport plane for deployment to Eastern Europe
Public Opinion

Election Fraud Narrative Underway in South Korean Race

Running Numbers by Karl Friedhoff

The building of an election fraud narrative in South Korea's presidential election is already underway.

Yoon Suk-yeol, the presidential election candidate of South Korea's main opposition People Power Party (PPP), shakes hands with Lee Jae-myung, the presidential election candidate of the ruling Democratic Party.
Public Opinion

Time for the Quad to Expand into Subnational Partnerships

In the News
The Diplomat
Matthew Abbott

To mitigate competition between China and members of the Quad, subnational diplomacy must take center stage, argues Matt Abbott in the Diplomat.

President Joe Biden, joined by Vice President Kamala Harris, Secretary of State Antony Blinken and White House staff, participates in the virtual Quad Summit in 2021.
Adam Schultz
US Foreign Policy

Polling in South Korea Diverges on Presidential Election

Running Numbers by Karl Friedhoff

Just one month out, polling in South Korea shows two different presidential races. That may have consequences following the election.

Yoon Suk-yeol and Lee Jae-myung stand at podiums in front of a blue screen.
Public Opinion

Can Biden Afford to Ignore North Korea?

Deep Dish on Global Affairs Podcast

Victor Cha and Sue Mi Terry explain why North Korea's latest missile launches are a sign of impatience with the United States and how to deescalate the situation.

Latin America News Agency
Defense and Security