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Ivo H. Daalder

What's the Most Likely Outcome for Venezuela?

Video Series

Ivo Daalder makes three encompassing points about the future of Venezuela, in this episode of #AskIvo.

Nicolás Maduro speaking at an event.
Global Politics

America shrugs while democracy around the world retreats

In the News
Chicago Tribune
Ivo H. Daalder

For the 13th year in a row, freedom declined around the world — with more countries falling down freedom’s ranks than moving up.

President Donald Trump speaks at the Major County Sheriffs and Major Cities Chiefs Association Joint Conference in Washington US Foreign Policy

Are Europe and Germany Ready for Life after Angela Merkel?

Video Series

In this episode of #AskIvo, Council President Ivo Daalder explains what we can expect after German Chancellor Angela Merkel leaves office.

Picture of German Chancellor Angela Merkel Global Politics

This Week's Read: Will Trump Withdraw from NATO?

Global Insight by Ivo H. Daalder

Ivo Daalder discusses President Trump's intent to withdraw the United States from NATO.

US President Donald Trump speaking in Phoenix, Arizona.
Gage Skidmore
Defense and Security

Britain Needs a Brexit Do-Over Referendum to Get Out of This Mess

In the News
Chicago Tribune
Ivo H. Daalder

May’s failure on a Brexit deal means Britain is now back to square one. Parliament, and the country at large, remain deeply divided.

Anti-Brexit, People’s Vote march, London, October 19, 2019 Global Politics

Is China's Investment in Africa a Debt Trap?

Video Series

In this episode of #AskIvo, Council President Ivo Daalder explores if China’s investment in Africa a debt trap.

Picture of Xi shaking hands with an African leader.
Global Economy

US Presidential Power and Its Limits

Deep Dish on Global Affairs Podcast

Harold Hongju Koh, former Legal Adviser at the US State Department, joins Council President Ivo Daalder and Brian Hanson to discuss Koh's new book, The Trump Administration and International Law.

The White House in Washington, DC
Tabrez Syed
Global Politics

This Week's Reads: Should the European Union Have Its Own Army?

Global Insight by Ivo H. Daalder

Recent events, including Defense Secretary Jim Mattis' resignation, have all added new urgency to an old debate: Should the EU have its own army?

Emmanuel Macron, left and Angela Merkel
Defense and Security

Will the Never-Ending War in Afghanistan Ever End?

In the News
Chicago Tribune
Ivo H. Daalder

The war in Afghanistan has lasted more than 17 years, and the overall situation has improved little over those years.

Soldiers of the 82nd Airborne Division gather their equipment before boarding a CH-47F Chinook in the Nawa Valley, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan.
US Army
Defense and Security

The Russia-Ukraine Clash Reveals Putin's Mediterranean Strategy

Deep Dish on Global Affairs Podcast

Tony Chavez, and Council President Ivo Daalder join Brian Hanson to discuss the Russia-Ukraine dispute

Vladimir Putin talks to Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak and head of the Federal Road Agency Roman Starovoit as they inspect a transport passage across the Kerch Strait.
Defense and Security