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Ivo H. Daalder

Americans Want to Be Engaged with the World—the Question Is How

In the News
The National Interest

All too often commentators on the American public and foreign policy conflate public weariness with foreign military intervention with a desire to disengage from global affairs.

Statue of Liberty Public Opinion

Trump's Withdrawal from Syria Didn't Just Abandon the Kurds to Turkey. It Also Shook the Ground under NATO.

In the News
Chicago Tribune
Ivo H. Daalder

For the message is clear: When it comes to the defense of its allies, the United States is now more likely to get out than stay for the fight.

National flags outside of the United Nations. Global Politics

President Trump Fell in Love with Kim Jong Un—and North Korea Kept Building Missiles

In the News
Chicago Tribune
Ivo H. Daalder

We need a different approach, one that is more realistic about the growing threat North Korea represents.

A man stands near a TV showing a file picture of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un for a news report on North Korea firing short-range ballistic missiles
Defense and Security

Trump's Empty Threats Weaken the US and Embolden Enemies

In the News
Chicago Tribune
Ivo H. Daalder

America's global influence is suffering as a result of Trump's threats without action.

President Donald J. Trump talks to reporters on the South Lawn of the White House
The White House
Global Politics

Can O'Brien Succeed as National Security Advisor?

In the News
Foreign Policy
Ivo H. Daalder

After firing his first three national security advisors, President Donald Trump has just named a fourth, the most any president has had in his first term. Will Robert O'Brien be any more successful than the previous three?

Donald Trump and Robert O'Brien
Defense and Security

Debunked! Most Americans Do Support the US Engaging in World Affairs, Not Retreating

In the News
Chicago Tribune
Ivo H. Daalder

A powerful belief has taken hold that Americans are exhausted from global overreach. Council President Ivo Daalder debunks the notion that Americans want to retreat from world affairs.

President Donald Trump and Mike Pompeo
Public Opinion

Why National Security Advisor Is the Hardest Post for Trump to Fill

In the News
Foreign Affairs
Ivo H. Daalder

In less than three years, President Trump has had three national security advisers: a campaign aide with a checkered past, a respected general, and an ideologue with strong views apparently consonant with his own. All ultimately failed.

John Bolton Defense and Security

Boris Johnson's Brexit gamble puts UK on edge. Is it worth it?

In the News
The Chicago Tribune
Ivo H. Daalder

When it comes to Brexit, Britain’s boisterous new prime minister is determined to succeed where his predecessor failed.

Britain's Prime Minister Boris Johnson visits Vanguard-class submarine HMS Victorious at Faslane naval base Global Politics

Trump's Interest in Buying Greenland Seemed Like a Joke. Then It Got Ugly.

In the News
The New York Times
Ivo H. Daalder

The president of the United States on Wednesday attacked the prime minister of Denmark because she will not sell him Greenland—and found the very notion "absurd."

Mette Frederiksen, the prime minister of Denmark, rejected President Trump’s interest in purchasing Greenland. Global Politics

While the U.S. looks away, Asia stirs with turmoil

In the News
The Chicago Tribune
Ivo H. Daalder

North Korea is continuing to improve its nuclear capabilities. And political and economic relations between Japan and South Korea are deteriorating rapidly.

South Korean protesters hold up cards calling for a boycott of Japanese products during a rally Global Politics