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Ivo H. Daalder

Who Failed in the Coronavirus Response? A Look at the Timeline

In the News
Chicago Tribune
Ivo H. Daalder

There is little doubt that the WHO was slow in responding to the danger represented by the emergence of a potentially new virus in China and that it was too willing to accept Beijing’s statements of what was happening. It should have known better.

President Donald J. Trump, joined by Vice President Mike Pence and members of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, delivers remarks at a coronavirus update briefing Monday, March 16, 2020,
The White House
Global Politics

WHO Funding Cut, OPEC+ Deal, US vs China

Video Series
World Review with Ivo Daalder

Steven Erlanger of the New York Times, Financial Times' Edward Luce, and CUNY's Carla Anne Robbins joined Council President Ivo Daalder to share their perspectives on emerging global stories.

A train carrying many cars of oil containers
Russ Allison Loar
Global Health

Trump Calls the Coronavirus a 'Foreign Virus,' Exposing His Flawed Worldview

In the News
Chicago Tribune
Ivo H. Daalder

Viruses don't carry passports, and when they are as easily transmitted between humans as the novel coronavirus, they are going to spread around the world.

President Trump, joined by Vice President Pence, left, takes questions from reporters during a Coronavirus Task Force update at the White House, Feb. 29, 2020.
The White House
Global Health

Can 50 Years of Minimizing Nuclear Proliferation Continue?

In the News
New York Times
Ivo H. Daalder

The Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty has mostly succeeded in keeping more countries out of the nuclear club. But as U.S. alliances fray, its future success is not assured.

An image of an atomic bomb test of the coast of the Marshall Islands
Defense and Security

Are the US and Europe Destined for Splitsville?

In the News
Chicago Tribune
Ivo H. Daalder

The alliance between the United States and Europe is broken. That much became clear over three days of intensive discussions in Munich in February 2020.

President Trump at Davos
President Trump at Davos
US Foreign Policy

What Happens to Germany after Merkel Is Gone?

Video Series

In this episode of #AskIvo, Council President Ivo Daalder looks at three big issues rising to the surface in German politics on the eve of her departure.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel walking away from camera
Global Politics

Alliances Secured America's Past. Will They Secure Its Future?

Deep Dish on Global Affairs Podcast

Mira Rapp-Hooper joins Ivo Daalder on Deep Dish for a discussion about the state of US alliances at a moment when new concerns are flaring up.

A general view during the NATO leaders summit in Watford, Britain, December 4, 2019
Defense and Security

China's Secrecy Has Made the Coronavirus Crisis Much Worse

In the News
Chicago Tribune
Ivo H. Daalder

We may never know if the spread of the new virus could have been prevented by earlier, concerted action. But the fact that China chose secrecy and inaction turned the possibility of an epidemic into a reality.

Policemen wearing masks patrolling Wuhan Tianhe Airport during coronavirus outbreak
China News Service
Global Health

Britain Sticks With Huawei for 5g — and Jeopardizes the Five Eyes Alliance

In the News
Chicago Tribune
Ivo H. Daalder

The Johnson government defied Washington and approved the use of Chinese technology as part of its 5G network.

A Huawei sign at a conference.
Matti Blume
Global Economy

How Long Is Putin Planning to Stay in Power in Russia?

Video Series

In this episode of #AskIvo, Council President Ivo Daalder looks at why Putin's move to extend his political power should have caught no one by surprise.

Putin sits at a desk.
Global Politics