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Ivo H. Daalder

World Review: Putin Doubles Down in Ukraine, Germany's Business with Russia, and New NATO Members

Video Series
World Review with Ivo Daalder

Ryan Heath, Elise Labott, and Carla Anne Robbins join Ivo Daalder to discuss the week's top news stories.

Rescue crew in Ukraine
US Foreign Policy

Why Finland and Sweden's NATO Membership Would Be Significant

In the News
Ivo H. Daalder

They are “extraordinarily capable militaries. They have long had [...] a posture of armed neutrality, not unarmed neutrality,” says Ivo Daalder on MSNBC.

Screenshot of Ivo Daalder on Morning Joe MSNBC. US Foreign Policy

Putin's Colossal Blunder

In the News
Deep State Radio
Ivo H. Daalder

"My suspicion is that Russian morale is so low that it’s going to be very hard for them to make real progress," Council President Ivo Daalder shares on Deep State Radio.

Vladimir Putin standing in front of Russian flags pointing.
US Foreign Policy

The Future of NATO

In the News
CFR's President's Inbox
Ivo H. Daalder

"For the first time since the end of the Cold War, NATO members feel in their gut that their security now depends on the ability to operate together in order to defend their territory," Council President Ivo Daalder tells James Lindsay.

Press conference by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg following the meetings of NATO Ministers of Foreign Affairs
US Foreign Policy

Why France's Presidential Election Will Be Critical for Ukraine

In the News
Ivo H. Daalder

What does the French election mean for global democracy? Council President Ivo Daalder dives in with MSNBC's Alicia Menendez and the New Yorker's David Rhode.

Screenshot of Ivo Daalder speaking with Alicia Menendez and David Rhodes on MSNBC. Global Politics

Sweden and Finland Consider Joining NATO Amid Russia-Ukraine War

In the News
Ivo H. Daalder

"The Finns, the Swedes, and I think NATO will be stronger and better off if both countries become members of the alliance," Ivo Daalder says on NPR.

Ukrainian President addresses the Finnish Parliament
Global Politics

World Review: War Crimes in Ukraine, Pro-Putin Leaders Re-Elected, and France at the Polls

Video Series
World Review with Ivo Daalder

Nirmal Ghosh, Sylvie Kauffmann, and Philip Stephens join Ivo Daalder to discuss the week's top news stories.

A brick house with presidential candidate posters on its exterior
US Foreign Policy

Why Putin Underestimates the West

In the News
Foreign Affairs
Ivo H. Daalder

“Having quickly closed ranks to confront Putin’s aggression, the challenge now is how to sustain that unity,” write Ivo Daalder and James Lindsay in Foreign Affairs.

Rescuers work among remains of residential building destroyed by Russian shelling
US Foreign Policy

Today Military Aid, Tomorrow War Crime Prosecution

In the News
Ivo H. Daalder

The West must provide weapons to enable Ukraine "to take the fight to the Russians," Council President Ivo Daalder tells CNBC's Shep Smith.

Ivo Daalder speaks with Shep Smith on CNBC. Defense and Security

Russian Bombardment Continues in Mariupol

In the News
Ivo H. Daalder

Is the war in Ukraine slowing down? “It just isn’t true for the people suffering in Mariupol,” Ivo Daalder tells MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell.

Screenshot of Ivo Daalder on MSNBC Andrea Mitchell Reports. US Foreign Policy