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Brian Hanson

What Somalia's Election Failure Means for Regional Stability

Deep Dish on Global Affairs Podcast

Somali President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo caused internal turmoil and global concern after bypassing Parliament this week to remain in power.

Somalia's president after election day
Global Politics

Bolsonaro's Battle for Power

Deep Dish on Global Affairs Podcast

For Brazil’s President Bolsonaro, a consequence of mishandling COVID-19 could be losing the 2022 presidential election.

President Bolsonaro speaks to reporters
Global Politics

Big Boats and Broken Supply Chains

Deep Dish on Global Affairs Podcast

What does one giant boat's ability to halt 10 percent of global trade tell us about our globalized world?

The Ever Given ship in the Suez Canal
Global Economy

COVID-19 Threatens Global Progress on Gender Equality 

Deep Dish on Global Affairs Podcast

Jamille Bigio joins Brian Hanson to explain why gender equality is critical to economic prosperity and global security.

two women prepare food in mexico wearing masks
Inclusion and Equity

Hunger is the Deadliest Weapon of War  

Deep Dish on Global Affairs Podcast

The Unites States must address hunger as an essential element of military and foreign policy, former World Food Programme head Ertharin Cousin explains to host Brian Hanson.

A malnourished girl receives food aid in Yemen
Food and Agriculture

Will India's Farmers Rein in Modi's Power?

Deep Dish on Global Affairs Podcast

Sumit Ganguly and Surupa Gupta join Brian Hanson to discuss the impact of widespread protests to reform the agricultural sector.

Food and Agriculture

Myanmar's Democratic Transition is Failing. What Now?

Deep Dish on Global Affairs Podcast

Last week the Burmese military took control of the country, ousting democratically-elected leaders. Christina Fink and Debra Eisenman join host Brian Hanson on Deep Dish to discuss.

Protestors take to the streets in Yangon to protest a military coup.
Global Politics

Freedom and Race Have Shaped Our World and Will Determine our Future

Deep Dish on Global Affairs Podcast

Brian Hanson and historian Tyler Stovall explore the inherent link between liberty and race throughout global history.

A mourner visits the site where George Floyd was killed in Minneapolis.
Inclusion and Equity

Do the Navalny Protests Signal Change in Putin’s Russia?

Deep Dish on Global Affairs Podcast

Brian Hanson talks with the New Yorker's Joshua Yaffa about future of Russian politics.

Alexei Navalny at a 2020 protest against amendments to the Russian constitution.
Global Politics

Russian Hack on US Requires Global Action

Deep Dish on Global Affairs Podcast

Cyber risk expert Jody Westby and host Brian Hanson examine the Biden administration's options on cyber policy.

News conference at the Department of Justice in Washington
Defense and Security