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Paul Poast

The War in Eastern Congo Matters, Too

In the News
World Politics Review
Paul Poast

The fighting in eastern Congo between the DRC and Rwanda-backed rebel group M23 has the potential to escalate, Paul Poast writes.

Congolese civilians carry their belongings as they flee near the Congolese border with Rwanda after fightings broke out in Kibumba, outside Goma in the North Kivu province of the Democratic Republic of Congo
Defense and Security

At the World Cup and Olympics, Geopolitics Is a Feature, Not a Bug

In the News
World Politics Review
Paul Poast

Major sporting events offer unique opportunities for the host countries, the competitors and the world, Paul Poast writes.

General view inside the World Cup stadium
Global Politics

US 'War Profiteering' in Ukraine Is a Red Herring

In the News
World Politics Review
Paul Poast

Such accusations ignore the harm the war is doing to the US economy and the potential political peril it has created for the Biden administration, Paul Poast writes.

A US service member prepares cargo in support of Ukraine
US Foreign Policy

FTX's Collapse Could Spell the End for Unregulated Cryptocurrencies

In the News
World Politics Review
Paul Poast

"Regulation of the industry could be coming, which could signal its death knell," Paul Poast argues.

a collage of currency
Global Economy

Don't Blame Trump for the GOP's—and America's—hostility to Immigration

In the News
World Politics Review
Paul Poast

Even if Trump isn't the Republican presidential nominee in 2024, anti-immigration policy is likely to remain a pillar of the party’s platform, Paul Poast writes.

Donald Trump speaks at a microphone

US Midterm Elections Strengthened Biden's Foreign Policy Hand

In the News
World Politics Review
Paul Poast

Paul Poast looks at last week's midterm results and analyzes the key reasons why those results will shape US foreign policy and global affairs in general.

US President Joe Biden speaks after the midterm elections.
US Foreign Policy

US Dollar Hegemony Isn't Going Anywhere

In the News
World Politics Review
Paul Poast

"Could an alternative to the U.S. dollar as a 'safe haven' emerge? Perhaps, but it’s not likely in the near term," Paul Poast argues.

a person holds several US $100 bills Global Economy

US Aid to Ukraine Will Survive a GOP Congress

In the News
World Politics Review
Paul Poast

"For a number of reasons, concerns that a Republican majority in Congress will undermine US support to Ukraine are unfounded," Paul Post argues.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy delivers a virtual address to members of Congress
US Foreign Policy

The 'Golden Age' of Globalization Is Officially Over

In the News
World Politics Review
Paul Poast

With President Biden's latest escalation of the China-US trade war, the world is now a far cry from the "golden age" of globalized trade, Paul Poast argues.

a container ship Global Economy

A Russian Nuclear Strike in Ukraine Would Cross a Point of No Return

In the News
World Politics Review
Paul Poast

Russia's use of a nuclear weapon in Ukraine would be catastrophic, but not solely because of the physical damage the it would cause, Paul Poast writes.

the Atomic Dome in Hiroshima, Japan Defense and Security