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Paul Poast

The Biden Administration Is Still Flying Blind on Latin America

In the News
World Politics Review
Paul Poast

"At best, one could say that US policy toward Latin America is a piecemeal and inconsistent amalgam of sporadic attempts at engagement," Paul Poast writes.

President Joe Biden hosts a working lunch with heads of state and government during the Ninth Summit of the Americas
The White House
US Foreign Policy

It's Time to Get the US Military out of the Middle East

In the News
World Politics Review
Paul Poast

"The US military footprint in the Greater Middle East is undermining US strategic priorities elsewhere in the world," Paul Poast argues.

A US aircraft flies over Afghanistan
US Department of Defense
Defense and Security

The US Still Needs Europe to Compete with China

In the News
World Politics Review
Paul Poast

"If the US does view China as the key threat to its interests, then neglecting Europe will effectively play into Beijing’s hands," Paul Poast writes.

Biden speaks at the NATO summit in Madrid
US Foreign Policy

ChatGPT and AI Will Make Humans More Necessary, Not Replace Them

In the News
World Politics Review
Paul Poast

While concerns about artificial intelligence's effects on the economy are understandable, we shouldn't overreact, Paul Poast argues.

ChatGPT screen Tech and Science

Pentagon Document Leaks Foreshadow a Long War in Ukraine

In the News
World Politics Review
Paul Poast

"The leaked documents underscore how the war in Ukraine is truly a multilateral war, and the West a co-belligerent," Paul Poast writes.

U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and U.S. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley hold a news conference
Defense and Security

Biden's Summit for Democracy Isn't Really about Democracies

In the News
World Politics Review
Paul Poast

A key purpose of the meeting is to create a countercoalition against Russia and China, Paul Poast argues.

President Biden hosts a meeting at the Summit for Democracy
The White House
US Foreign Policy

Xi's Moscow Visit Was More Than a Symbolic Victory for Putin

In the News
World Politics Review
Paul Poast

Xi Jinping's visit to Moscow and meeting with Putin made clear that China-Russia relations will only grow stronger, Paul Poast writes.

Russian President Vladimir Putin shakes hands with Chinese President Xi Jinping
Global Politics

The ICC Arrest Warrant for Putin Could Do More Harm Than Good

In the News
World Politics Review
Paul Poast

"The idea of bargaining with Putin was already highly controversial, but now it is virtually impossible," Paul Poast writes.

A man holds a "PUTIN IS A DICTATOR AND WAR CRIMINAL" sign attached to USSR flag
Human Rights

The Iraq War's Lessons Are Easier to See Than to Learn

In the News
World Politics Review
Paul Poast

With 20 years of hindsight, it is now possible to give Bush’s decision to invade a sober judgement, Paul Poast writes.

U.S. President George W. Bush speaks before signing the congressional resolution authorizing U.S. use of force against Iraq if needed.
US Foreign Policy

The US-Israel Relationship Is Special, but Not Indestructible

In the News
World Politics Review
Paul Poast

Ongoing protests to safeguard democracy and a potential war with Iran could call into question US unconditional support for Israel, Paul Poast writes.

Demonstrators call on the US to intervene to stop Benjamin Netanyahu's government to press on with its judicial overhaul
US Foreign Policy