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Diana Horvath

From Molecule to Market: Using Innovative Plant Breeding to Build Global Food Security

Global Food for Thought by Diana Horvath

New gene editing techniques more precise than CRISPRs could be the seeds for food security success.

Emmer Wheat
Kansas State University
Food and Agriculture

We Need Vaccines to Protect Our Food Crops, Too

Global Food for Thought by Diana Horvath

In the battle between pathogen and host—whether a human or food crop—it’s often a deadly race to see who wins.

Wheat rust
Kansas State University
Food and Agriculture

When Fighting Pathogens 'Pay a Little Now or a Lot Later'

Global Food for Thought by Coauthors

The COVID-19 pandemic shows that we have failed to prepare for what is coming next, and we must learn to mitigate risks by quickly and adequately funding research to protect our health and the crops we need to survive.

Scientists prepare bacteria samples in a diseases lab
Food and Agriculture

The Next Pandemic Could Attack Our Crops

Global Food for Thought by Diana Horvath

Plants too can succumb to infectious diseases, reducing global crop yields and costing billions of dollars.

Farmers in South Africa during the COVID-19 pandemic
Food and Agriculture