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Cécile Shea

The Shifting Power Dynamics of a Post-Abe World

In the News
Cécile Shea

Cecile Shea joins CNN to discuss the assassination of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and what comes next for Japan.

A portrait of Shinzo Abe placed in front of Yamato-Saidaiji Station on July 10, 2022.
Global Politics

The Quad Mourns Shinzo Abe

In the News
Cécile Shea

On NOW Tonight with Joshua Johnson, Cécile Shea shares her thoughts on Shinzo Abe's assassination and what it means for the world.

Cécile Shea in an interview on NBC on July 8, 2022. Global Politics

Would the United States Defend Australia?

In the News
Uncomfortable Conversations with Josh Szepps
Cécile Shea

Nonresident Senior Fellow Cécile Shea debates the limits of American power and whether allies like Australia can depend on a "broken superpower" with Josh Szepps.

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison in a mask with a flag on it
Defense and Security

Is Mexico Neutral in the Russia-Ukraine War?

In the News
Cécile Shea

Why has Mexico failed to stand up to Russia, and what role do vaccines play? Nonresident Senior Fellow Cécile Shea weighs in on Newsy.

Screenshot of Cecile Shea on Newsy. Defense and Security

China's Role in Russia-Ukraine Diplomacy

In the News
WBEZ Reset
Cécile Shea

Nonresident Senior Fellow Cécile Shea unpacks China’s table stakes in the Russia-Ukraine conflict and more on WBEZ’s Reset.

Presidents Xi Jinping and Putin standing in front of flags
Defense and Security

War Fears Grow in Eastern Ukraine

In the News
WTTW Chicago Tonight
Cécile Shea

Cécile Shea joins Julian Hayda, Ian Kelly, and John Mearsheimer to discuss Russian troops entering Ukraine on WTTW's Chicago Tonight.

Screen shot of Cécile Shea and others on Chicago Tonight. Defense and Security

Biden-Putin Talks on Ukraine Crisis Rooted in Older Dispute

In the News
WTTW Chicago Tonight
Cécile Shea

Cécile Shea discusses Russia-Ukraine tensions and the call between President Joe Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin on Chicago Tonight.

Screen shot of Cecile Shea on Chicago Tonight discussing Ukraine and Russia. US Foreign Policy

Biden Says He Stands 'Squarely Behind' Afghanistan Decision

In the News
Cécile Shea

The Council's Cécile Shea joins WTTW's "Chicago Tonight" to explain why she believes Afghanistan's collapse was inevitable—and what could happen next.

Cecile Shea on WTTW
WTTW Chicago Tonight
US Foreign Policy

How Brexit Could Impact Chicago And The Midwest

In the News
Cécile Shea

Brexit became official on Friday. Reset takes a look at what the United Kingdom's departure from the European Union might mean for Chicago and the Midwest.

Brexit signs seem outside of Westminster, London.
John Cameron
Global Economy

Ahead of Israeli Elections, Netanyahu Doubles Down on Foreign Policy

Deep Dish on Global Affairs Podcast

Seth J. Frantzman, the Jerusalem Post's Middle East affairs analyst, and Council fellow Cécile Shea join Deep Dish to discuss Benjamin Netanyahu's announcement that Israel will annex part of the Jordan Valley.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in 2017
Paul Kagame
Global Politics