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Brendan Helm

Global Public Opinion as US COVID-19 Deaths Top September 11 Attacks

Running Numbers by Coauthors

Council experts analyze global public opinion on COVID-19 after deaths in the United States surpassed the deaths from the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

A social distancing sign during the COVID-19 pandemic
Global Health

Global Publics Respond to Increase in COVID-19 Restrictions

Running Numbers by Coauthors

Governments around the world impose increasing restrictions upon their citizens’ daily lives as the number of active infections surges worldwide. How are global publics reacting?

A man in PPE stands in an empty airport
Govind Krishnan
Public Opinion

Global Public Opinion on Continued COVID-19 Response

Running Numbers by Coauthors

Council experts analyze global public opinion after the WHO officially declared the spread of COVID-19 a global pandemic.

A social distance marker on the ground in London
Chloe Evans
Global Health

Ivory Tower Democrat Voters Will Miss Elizabeth Warren

Running Numbers by Coauthors

Council survey data shows that support for Elizabeth Warren for president did not expand to working-class people, which was likely her downfall. 

U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren speaking with attendees at the 2019 National Forum on Wages and Working People
Gage Skidmore
Global Politics

The US-India Relationship: True Friends and Helicopter Sales

Running Numbers by Brendan Helm

While Trump has hailed Prime Minister Narendra Modi as a "true friend" and extolled the world’s largest democracy, are Americans equally as enthusiastic about the US-India relationship?

Flag of India
Mitul Gajera
Public Opinion

Intelligence Coup of the Century: Would Americans be on Board?

Running Numbers by Brendan Helm

What does the American public think of the American intelligence community and its efforts at global surveillance?

The entrance to the CIA New Headquarters Building (NHB) of the George Bush Center for Intelligence.
Central Intelligence Agency
Public Opinion

Taiwan's 2020 Elections and the American Public

Running Numbers by Brendan Helm

The US will be keeping a close eye on the outcome of Taiwan’s upcoming general election, but Americans don't accord the same importance to Taiwan as does the government.

President Tsai Ing-wen and Vice President Chen Chien-jen attend the 2016 inauguration. Public Opinion

Adieu, World Trade Organization

Running Numbers by Brendan Helm

Despite the Trump Administration’s objections to the WTO, the American public is not so quick to decry this international institution.

The second WTO Ministerial Conference, in Geneva, Switzerland
World Trade Organization
Public Opinion

Hong Kong's Young and Old Are Split Over Who is to Blame

Running Numbers by Brendan Helm

A recent survey among Hong Kong residents shows that they're dissatisfied with the actions of the police and support an independent investigation into the protest's origins and potential police abuse.

Two million people gathered to protest in Hong Kong
Mason Yim
Public Opinion