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Inclusion and Equity

The Gendered Consequences of Coronavirus

In the News
E-International Relations

How are men and women experiencing the effects of the coronavirus differently? Why is it important to understand these differences?

A woman wearing a mask with her child strapped to her chest.
Marcin Jozwiak
Women and Girls

The Gendered Burden of Water

Global Food for Thought by Michael Tiboris

Humans all need water for roughly the same things and in roughly the same amounts. And yet, water insecurity has profoundly disproportionate effects on women.

South Sudanese carry water containers on their heads
Food and Agriculture

Mona Eltahawy on Feminism, Ambition, and Women's Rights

Video Series
Wait Just a Minute

In this episode of Wait Just a Minute, journalist and activist Mona Eltahawy takes a minute to examine feminism, ambition, the state of women’s rights in the Middle East.

A screenshot of Mona Eltahawy Wait Just a Minute Interview. Women and Girls

Katelyn Jones on Equality, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

Video Series
Wait Just a Minute

Council Women, Peace, and Security Fellow Katelyn Jones takes a minute to answer questions on equality, equity, diversity, and inclusion.

A screenshot of Katelyn Jones on a Wait Just a Minute Interview. Women and Girls

Dr. Alaa Murabit on Gender Equality

Video Series
Wait Just a Minute

Dr. Alaa Murabit discusses gender equality.

Screenshot of Dr. Alaa Murabit on Wait Just a Minute Inclusion and Equity

Former And Current Women Heads Of State Sign Open Letter Pushing For Women's Rights

In the News
Catherine Bertini

In late February, a group of global women leaders signed an open letter, calling for government and private sector leaders to take legal and social action to promote gender inclusion and female empowerment.

A woman attends a rally to mark International Women's Day in Madrid, Friday, March 8, 2019. Women and Girls

What Are the Biggest Problems Women Face Today?

In the News
Ertharin Cousin

Eleven female lawmakers, journalists and scholars weigh in.

Women celebrating in the US senator Women and Girls

The US Shouldn't Ignore the G-7 Gender Equality Recommendations

Global Insight by Katelyn Jones

The United States needs to do more to ensure women are equally represented in legislative bodies.

President Trump, left, with Emmanuel Macron. Inclusion and Equity

Women, Peace, and Security: Challenging Dominant Narratives

Global Insight by Katelyn Jones

Citizens feel  disregarded and disempowered, motivating them to engage in demonstrations like the "yellow vest"  movement in France,  Black Lives Matter  in the United States, and the  #MeToo movement globally.

Protesters attack a female police officer accused of shooting a protestor in Burundi
Reuters/Goran Tomasevic
Women and Girls

The Importance of Race in Attitudes Toward Trade and Globalization

Global Insight by Coauthors

Ethnic and racial minorities show greater support for globalization. These results indicate that trade is as much of a psychological and social issue as it is an economic issue.

A person rides a scooter past shipping containers in the Port of Shanghai
Global Economy