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Global Economy

Britain Needs a Brexit Do-Over Referendum to Get Out of This Mess

In the News
Chicago Tribune
Ivo H. Daalder

May’s failure on a Brexit deal means Britain is now back to square one. Parliament, and the country at large, remain deeply divided.

Anti-Brexit, People’s Vote march, London, October 19, 2019 Global Politics

Is China's Investment in Africa a Debt Trap?

Video Series

In this episode of #AskIvo, Council President Ivo Daalder explores if China’s investment in Africa a debt trap.

Picture of Xi shaking hands with an African leader.
Global Economy

The 'Doom Loop' Potential of Italy's Eurozone Clash

Deep Dish on Global Affairs Podcast

Isabelle Mateos y Lago and Adam Tooze join Brian Hanson to discuss top global economy news stories of the week.

A vegetable stand with prices written in Italian at a market
Bertrand Borie
Global Economy

Germany Accelerates Change in Its "Rust Belt"

Global Insight by John Austin

Both the United States and Germany are seeing evolving economies in their respective "rust belts," formerly robust engines of the industrial era.

German factory.
Moritz Ludtke
Global Cities

Does the Future of the WTO Hang in the Balance in Ottawa?

Global Insight by Alexander Hitch

For decades, the United States has been the driving force pushing for new rules to govern world trade. What if the other major countries of the world assumed that mantle in our absence? It’s happening.

Bills of various currency from around the world are pictured in a stack
Jéan Béller
Global Economy

Sheila Bair on the Anniversary of the Global Financial Crisis

Deep Dish on Global Affairs Podcast

Sheila Bair, George Bush’s appointee to the FDIC, joins Deep Dish to examine what we learned from the 2008 global financial crisis.

Facade of the New York Stock Exchange, with an American flag in the foreground
Roger Gerbig
Global Economy

NAFTA Pronouncements and Reality

Global Insight by Alexander Hitch

To pass legislation and end any uncertainty swirling around the trade pact, NAFTA's new labor chapter may need further tweaking.

US Capitol building
Ajay Parthasarathy
Global Economy

There's a New NAFTA in Town

Deep Dish on Global Affairs Podcast

Experts Duncan Wood, Laura Dawson, and Phil Levy join Deep Dish to discuss what's in the new NAFTA agreement and its significance on the global economy.

A sign marking the US-Mexico border, with semi trucks driving in the background
Global Economy

The Turkish Lira Crisis

Deep Dish on Global Affairs Podcast

Experts Steven Cook and Henri Barkey and economist Phil Levy share their views on the global ramifications of Turkey's economic crisis.

A person holds six hundred Turkish Lira banknotes
Omid Armin
Global Economy

Assessing the Trump economy

In the News
The Washington Post
Daniel W. Drezner

Recent data shows that voters disapprove of the way Trump is handling foreign policy, 58 percent to 38 percent.

President Trump speaks at a rally in Great Falls, Mont., on July 5. Global Economy