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Global Economy

How a Biden Infrastructure Reboot can Power Midwest’s Economic Recovery

In the News
Chicago Tribune

If Biden and a new Congress deliver a long overdue (and now urgent) infrastructure agenda focused on sustainability, equity and a clean energy future for the United States, it can both reinvigorate the Midwest and support national economic growth.

Dayton, Ohio in the summer
Hans Jurgen
Global Cities

How Joe Biden Can Restore America’s Standing Abroad

In the News
The National Interest
Paul Heer

Before the United States can reliably rebuild its international power and influence, it must heal itself by getting COVID under control, reviving economic prosperity, and moving beyond the bitterly divided politics of the Trump presidency.

President Biden and First Lady Dr. Jill Biden at the Washington Monument Global Politics

The Strategic Implications of the China-EU Investment Deal

In the News
The Diplomat
Theresa Fallon

The EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment is a win for China, and a blow to transatlantic relations.

China and Eu flags
Marco Verch
Global Politics

Deep Dish Podcast Explains What to Watch for in 2021

Global Insight by Brian Hanson

Many of the challenges the world faced in 2020 will continue to shape our world next year.

Washington Monument at sunrise
Ji Pak
Global Health

How to (Finally) Defeat Populism

In the News
Foreign Policy

Rust Belts exist around the world, and integrating them into the larger trans-Atlantic community is key to political stability.

Railway workers in Iran
Javad Esmaeili
Global Politics

World Review: Russia Hack, Israel-Morocco, Brexit

Video Series
World Review with Ivo Daalder

Council President Ivo Daalder discusses emerging global stories with The New York Times’ Carol Giacomo, POLITICO’s Matt Kaminski, and the Financial Times’ Philip Stephens.

Flags of the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic and Morrocco
US Foreign Policy

World Review: Brexit, Vaccine Nationalism, Biden NatSec Team

Video Series
World Review with Ivo Daalder

Council President Ivo Daalder discusses emerging global stories with Peter Spiegel of the Financial Times, Carla Anne Robbins of the Council on Foreign Relations, and James Harding of Tortoise Media.

Cleaning workers disinfect the streets and public places of the Itaewon Multicultural District in Seoul, South Korea
Global Health

World Review: Iran, NATO, and Biden on China

Video Series
World Review with Ivo Daalder

The New York Times’ Steve Erlanger, the Financial Times’ Philip Stephens, and POLITICO’s Nahal Toosi discuss emerging global stories with Council President Ivo Daalder.

Multiple missiles being launched into a blue sky
Global Health

Real Estate Weighs on Moon's Approval Rate

Running Numbers by Coauthors

Karl Friedhoff examines South Korea's President Moon Jae-in's administration and the real estate issues, including high rental costs in Seoul, that have led to a high disapproval rating.

President Moon Jae-in speaks during a press conference.
Jeon Han
Global Economy

Secure US Supply Chains With Allies, and Move Out of China

In the News

The Biden Administration should focus on "ally-shoring" to rebuild supply chains and box out actors like China and Russia.

shipping containers stacked together Global Economy