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US Foreign Policy

American Consensus on Ukraine Has Fractured

In the News
Foreign Policy
Bruce Jentleson

Bruce Jentleson offers his take on how the war could play out in the 2024 presidential campaign.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis arrives onstage for his first trip to Iowa
US Foreign Policy

With 20-Year Hindsight, Public Opinion and the Iraq War

Running Numbers by Dina Smeltz

To be suspicious of Iraq was part of the American zeitgeist long before 2003, survey data show.

George W. Bush speaks in front of a sign that says 'strategy for victory'
Public Opinion

The Iraq War 20 Years Later

Video Series
World Review with Ivo Daalder

Susan Glasser, Gideon Rachman, and Carla Anne Robbins join Ivo Daalder to discuss the week's top news stories.

US Marines take position in Baghdad, Iraq
Global Politics

As the Iraq War Showed, the Allure of Consensus in Foreign Policy Can Be Dangerous

In the News
Chicago Tribune
Elizabeth Shackelford

"Too often, quick agreement on hard problems is a sign of dangerous groupthink," Elizabeth Shackelford writes.

A Marine covers the face of a statue of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein with a US flag
US Foreign Policy

20 Years after Iraq War, Americans Still Want the US Involved in World Affairs

In the News
Dina Smeltz

Though partisan support has shifted over time, Council data show the public continues to favor active US engagement in global issues.

a soldier overlooks Iraq
US Foreign Policy

The 2000s Called, They Want Their Politics Back

In the News
Dina Smeltz

FiveThirtyEight draws on Council data in a podcast episode reflecting on the anniversary of the Iraq War.

George W. Bush speaks at a lecturn
US Foreign Policy

China's Changing Reach: The Saudi-Iran Deal and AUKUS Sub Upset

Video Series
World Review with Ivo Daalder

Deborah Amos, Jamil Anderlini, and Peter Spiegel join Ivo Daalder to discuss the week's top news stories.

3 men stand in front of flags
Global Politics

The Iraq War's Lessons Are Easier to See Than to Learn

In the News
World Politics Review
Paul Poast

With 20 years of hindsight, it is now possible to give Bush’s decision to invade a sober judgement, Paul Poast writes.

U.S. President George W. Bush speaks before signing the congressional resolution authorizing U.S. use of force against Iraq if needed.
US Foreign Policy

Deconstructing the Bipartisan Consensus on the China Threat

In the News
The National Interest
Paul Heer

"Bipartisan consensus (on the scope of the threat) needs to be reconsidered because the wrong diagnosis could yield the wrong, or even dangerous, prescriptions," Paul Heer writes.

Representative Mike Gallagher and Representative Raja Krishnamoorthi before a House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party hearing
US Foreign Policy

Ballooning Mistrust in the US-China Relationship

In the News
East Asia Forum
Paul Heer

“Both sides appear more inclined to score points against each other than to acknowledge their mistakes,” says Nonresident Senior Fellow Paul Heer.

A U-2 Pilot flying over the central continental United States looks down on suspected Chinese surveillance balloon
US Foreign Policy