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Public Opinion

Elite-Public Gap on China May be Decreasing

Running Numbers by Karl Friedhoff

New data from the Chicago Council on Global Affairs suggests the difference in opinion between the public and the White House is beginning to narrow on the perceived threat of China.

People walk through the rain on a a busy street in China.
Nuno Alberto
Public Opinion

Why Worry about Global Population Decline?

Deep Dish on Global Affairs Podcast

Global population is expected to peak and then decline this century, reshaping everything from economic growth and immigration to government spending and climate change.

 The crowd on Thane station waiting for the train to arrive.

Expert Panel Survey: US Focus on the Denuclearization of North Korea

Running Numbers by Craig Kafura

Craig Kafura explains what foreign policy experts think about the denuclearization of North Korea.

US President Trump and Kim Jong-Un.
Defense and Security

Opinion Landscape Not Ideal for New Mideast Peace Plan

Running Numbers by Dina Smeltz

According to the 2018 Chicago Council Survey , American public support for an "independent Palestinian state" is at its highest level yet, with strongest support among self-described Democrats.

Aerial view of the coast in Tel Aviv
Shai Pal
Public Opinion

America the Dangerous

Running Numbers by Karl Friedhoff

The United States is perceived as a greater threat around the world, is unable to convince its own public of what it has deemed a threat (China) and will struggle to enlist the help of allies.

The Chinese flag waves behind barbed wire at the border crossing.
Macau Photo Agency
Public Opinion

Majority of Nicaraguans Support Early Elections

Running Numbers by Dina Smeltz

The current polarization in Nicaragua between the government supporters and the opposition coalition of students, farmers, civil society groups, and business leaders makes compromise a challenge.

An abandoned building with graffiti in Nicaragua
Wilhelm Gunkel
Public Opinion

South Korean Public Ready to Call Trump's Bluff

Running Numbers by Karl Friedhoff

If the president wants to wreck at least ten years of solid South Korean public support for the US-Korea alliance, he is already headed down the right path.

A ROK sailor waves flags in front of an aircraft carrier.
Jermaine M. Ralliford
Public Opinion

History Continues Unabated between Japan and South Korea

Running Numbers by Karl Friedhoff

People in both Japan and South Korea agree on the primary issues that need to be resolved in order to improve the relationship.

South Korea and Japan from space
Public Opinion

Seven Examples Where Partisan Divisions on Foreign Policy Widened in 2018

Running Numbers by Coauthors

Partisanship has become a major factor in foreign policy attitudes in Chicago Council Surveys; not so long-ago opinions on foreign policy seemed immune to partisan impulses.

The American and NATO flags
Public Opinion

2018: Year in Chicago Council Surveys

Running Numbers by Craig Kafura

In 2018, the Council captured public and opinion leader attitudes on some of the most pressing foreign policy issues.

A close-up image of the American flag
Lucas Sankey
Public Opinion