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Public Opinion

Coronavirus Concern: Threat Perceptions Around the World

Running Numbers by Coauthors

Amid growing anxiety among experts and health officials, how do publics in countries around the world perceive the threat of the novel coronavirus?

People queue to pick up fresh food at a Los Angeles Regional Food Bank, as the spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) continues
Global Health

The US-India Relationship: True Friends and Helicopter Sales

Running Numbers by Brendan Helm

While Trump has hailed Prime Minister Narendra Modi as a "true friend" and extolled the world’s largest democracy, are Americans equally as enthusiastic about the US-India relationship?

Flag of India
Mitul Gajera
Public Opinion

Palestinians and Israeli Public Support for a Two State Solution Reach New Lows

Running Numbers by Dina Smeltz

A survey  conducted by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (PSR) found that just 39 percent of Palestinians continue to support the concept of a two-state solution.

Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh 
UN Geneva
Public Opinion

Americans Aren't as Eager to Retreat From the Middle East as Politicians Seem to Think

In the News
The Hill

Presidential candidates and the President are overstating Americans’ desire for a full-scale retreat from the Middle East.

M2A2 Bradley IFVs of the 4th Battalion, 118th Infantry Regiment, attached to 218th MEB, accompany a U.S. patrol in eastern Syria, 13 November 2019
United States Army
Defense and Security

Can Millennials Save US Foreign Policy?

In the News
Responsible Statecraft
Craig Kafura

In mainstream media outlets, Millennials have spent the last decade on a multi-industry killing spree. Now Millennials, along with neighboring Gen X and Gen Z, are coming for your politics.

Immigrant rights march for amnesty in downtown Los Angeles, California
Jonathan McIntosh
Public Opinion

Intelligence Coup of the Century: Would Americans be on Board?

Running Numbers by Brendan Helm

What does the American public think of the American intelligence community and its efforts at global surveillance?

The entrance to the CIA New Headquarters Building (NHB) of the George Bush Center for Intelligence.
Central Intelligence Agency
Public Opinion

Do Non-Trump Republicans Diverge with Trump Republicans on Foreign Policy?

Running Numbers by Jack Benjamin

While Republicans share a similar political worldview overall, Trump and Non-Trump Republicans disagree on key policies for immigration, climate change, and nuclear programs.

A red hat with the text "make America great again" on it Public Opinion

Millennials Not That into Drones

Running Numbers by Craig Kafura

More Americans felt drone strikes against suspected terrorists makes the US safer. However, Millennials were more skeptical, with nearly half saying they make the US less safe.

An MQ-9 Reaper unmanned aerial vehicle flies a combat mission over southern Afghanistan
Lt. Col. Leslie Pratt
Defense and Security

Back to Baseline: Views of China's Development as a Threat Recede

Running Numbers by Craig Kafura

Four in ten Americans (38%) see the development of China as a world power as a critical threat, in line with how Americans have felt about China’s development since 2004.

President Donald J. Trump joins Xi Jinping, President of the People’s Republic of China, at the G20 Japan Summit Public Opinion

Taiwan's 2020 Elections and the American Public

Running Numbers by Brendan Helm

The US will be keeping a close eye on the outcome of Taiwan’s upcoming general election, but Americans don't accord the same importance to Taiwan as does the government.

President Tsai Ing-wen and Vice President Chen Chien-jen attend the 2016 inauguration. Public Opinion