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Public Opinion

As COVID Cases Rise So Does Public Concern about the Economic Impact

Running Numbers by Coauthors

An update on global public opinion on the COVID-19 pandemic reviews survey results from countries in North America, Europe, and Asia.

People queue to pick up fresh food at a Los Angeles Regional Food Bank, as the spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) continues
Public Opinion

Are Millennials China Doves or China Hawks?

Running Numbers by Craig Kafura

Data from the 2019 Chicago Council Survey and the Council's January 2020 omnibus poll show that there are distinct and notable differences among generations when it comes to China.

A Chinese soldier standing guard.
Brian Matangelo
Public Opinion

Global Public Opinion as US COVID-19 Deaths Top September 11 Attacks

Running Numbers by Coauthors

Council experts analyze global public opinion on COVID-19 after deaths in the United States surpassed the deaths from the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

A social distancing sign during the COVID-19 pandemic
Global Health

President Moon Jae-In Handled the Coronavirus Well, but Can He Win South Korea's April Elections?

In the News
National Interest
Karl Friedhoff

If this election is indeed to be a referendum on Mr. Moon’s leadership, he enters that test at his strongest point in sixteen months.

Moon Jae-in takes the presidential oath at the National Assembly, May 10, 2017. Global Politics

Global Publics Respond to Increase in COVID-19 Restrictions

Running Numbers by Coauthors

Governments around the world impose increasing restrictions upon their citizens’ daily lives as the number of active infections surges worldwide. How are global publics reacting?

A man in PPE stands in an empty airport
Govind Krishnan
Public Opinion

Despite Unfavorable Views of the War in Afghanistan, Americans Split on Complete Withdrawal

Running Numbers by Eliza Posner

Although the American public doesn't believe the war with Afghanistan was worth the cost, they also think the US should maintain bases in the country.

A US helicopter in Afghanistan
Captain Brian Harris
Defense and Security

Global Public Opinion on Continued COVID-19 Response

Running Numbers by Coauthors

Council experts analyze global public opinion after the WHO officially declared the spread of COVID-19 a global pandemic.

A social distance marker on the ground in London
Chloe Evans
Global Health

Why do Americans Support US Presence in Mideast But Say Iraq War Was Not Worth Costs?

Running Numbers by Eliza Posner

American disapproval rates of US-Iraq war reach record highs.

A front view of bombarded house in Iraqi rural area
Levi Meir Clancy
Public Opinion

Public Opinion on Coronavirus Around the World

Running Numbers by Coauthors

As the coronavirus pandemic begins to quickly spread across the globe, Council experts assess public opinion around about the virus and its impact.

Map of coronavirus cases in the US
Brian McGowan
Public Opinion

Coronavirus yet to Dent South Korea's Moon Jae-in in the Polls Power

Global Insight by Karl Friedhoff

President Moon’s approval ratings have declined from 45 percent last week to 42 percent this week according to a Gallup Korea survey conducted from February 25-27.

President Moon Jae-in speaks during a press conference.
Jeon Han
Public Opinion