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The Fallout of Zero-COVID in China

In the News
The Diplomat
Kris Hartley

China's Zero-COVID policy was "meant to be living proof of a superior system of governance," writes Kris Hartley in the Diplomat.

Two figures in full body medical protective suits walk in front of the Olympic rings in the Beijing airport.
Global Health

Ally-shore to Restore US Economic Leadership, Protect Democracy

In the News
Our Towns
John Austin

“By centering our economic and trade relations with our friends, we can drive a more powerful collective recovery,” writes John Austin in Our Towns.

Secretary Blinken Meets With Republic of Cyprus Foreign Minister.
Freddie Everett
US Foreign Policy

World Review: North Korea's Missiles, Coup Trends, and Ukraine Standoff

Video Series
World Review with Ivo Daalder

Nirmal Ghosh, Carla Anne Robbins, and Philip Stephens join Ivo Daalder to discuss the week's top news stories.

A missile is launched from the ground in North Korea
US Foreign Policy

How to Deter Russia

In the News
Hopkins Podcast on Foreign Affairs
Ivo H. Daalder

What is NATO’s role in protecting the self-determination of countries in the former USSR? Ivo Daalder discusses with Hopkins Podcast on Foreign Affairs.

Ceremony to mark the fifth anniversary of NATO’s enhanced Forward Presence in Rukla, Lithuania
Global Politics

Public-Private Partnerships in Nutrition Ventures

Global Food for Thought by Samanta Dunford

Were the recommendations in the Center on Global Food and Agriculture's 2015 nutrition report successful? The Council examines this question in the third part of our 2021-22 series to find out.

Jagger Harvey, the director of the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for the Reduction of Post-Harvest Loss, and Jisang Yu assess chilies and peanuts for mycotoxin risk in Nepal.
Kansas State Research & Extension
Food and Agriculture

US Rejects Russian Demand to Bar Ukraine from NATO

In the News
BBC Newsday
Ivo H. Daalder

"What Putin is really interested in is not occupying Ukraine, but controlling its government," argues Ivo Daalder on BBC Newsday.

Ukraine flag held by demonstrators in front of the White House on January 29, 2022 to protest against Russian military aggression towards Ukraine
Global Politics

Ukraine Tests Biden's Foreign Policy

In the News
Chicago Tribune
Elizabeth Shackelford

The administration's response to Russia's aggression is "honest, complex and appropriate," argues Elizabeth Shackelford in the Chicago Tribune.

Workers unload a shipment of military aid to Ukraine from the United States.
Defense and Security

Fundamental Realities of NATO and Ukraine

Video Series
Featured Video

In the world of realpolitik, are Russia's demands of NATO fair? Council President Ivo Daalder discusses with Ghida Fakhry on Inside America.

Screen shot of Ivo Daalder speaking with Ghida Fakhry on Inside America. Global Politics

Targeting Quality of Life To Develop the Midwest

In the News
John Austin

Data show that quality of life, not business, is the driving factor for rebuilding the Midwest's economy. John Austin and coauthors explain in Brookings.

Bike in front of Buckingham Fountain with the Chicago skyline behind it on a sunny day.
Brandon O'Connor
Global Cities

Bringing NATO Together on Russia

In the News
Ivo H. Daalder

“We’ve opened up a diplomatic track so the United States and Europe stand as one no matter which way Russia chooses to go,” says Ivo Daalder on CNBC.

Screen shot of Ivo Daalder with Shepard Smith on CNBC. Global Politics