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How Trump Is Mobilizing an Isolationist Worldview

In the News
Foreign Policy
Ivo H. Daalder

Ivo Daalder breaks down Council survey data on a growing desire among Republicans to stay out of world affairs.

Ivo Daalder speaks via video call US Foreign Policy

Power Play: Canada Pressured on NATO Spending

In the News
CTV News
Ivo H. Daalder

"As NATO does more, one of it's most important allies—Canada—needs to do more as well," says Ivo Daalder.

Vassy Kapelos, Ivo Daalder, and Andrew Leslie on CTV News. Global Politics

Ivo Daalder on French President Emmanuel Macron's Ukraine Comments

In the News
CBC News
Ivo H. Daalder

"In war, defense is always easier than offense," Ivo Daalder says on CBC News.

Hillary Johnstone and Ivo Daalder on CBC News. Global Politics

Ukraine's Horizon: US Support and Strategies for 2024

In the News
Transatlantic Dialogue Center
Dina Smeltz

Dina Smeltz joins a panel of fellow experts to unpack where the US public stands as the war continues.

Dina Smeltz speaks via video call Public Opinion

From Ukraine to Gaza to Iraq, Chicago's city council has been voting more often on foreign affairs

ChicagoGlobal by AJ Caughey

City Council legislation on foreign policy tripled in the chamber in the last four years, according to a ChicagoGlobal analysis.

Chicago City Council at City Hall
AP Photos
Global Politics

Trump May Not Be NATO’s Biggest Challenge

In the News
World Politics Review
Paul Poast

"Even using the most optimistic evidence from existing research, alliances are still found to fail a quarter of the time," Paul Poast writes.

Trump on stage at a NATO summit
AP Photos
US Foreign Policy

Navalny's Death, Israel Strikes Rafah, Concerns in Munich

Video Series
World Review with Ivo Daalder

Deborah Amos, Karen DeYoung, Steve Erlanger join Ivo Daalder to discuss the week's top news stories.

Navalny memorial in Ukraine
AP Photos
Global Politics

Overseas Conflicts Are Sparking Strife in US Party Politics

In the News
Dina Smeltz

Dina Smeltz uses recent surveys to break down how the conflicts in Gaza and Ukraine have divided the parties.

Dina Smeltz talks with others via video call Public Opinion

A case study in taking a small Chicago company global

ChicagoGlobal by H. Lee Murphy

Plenty of companies around Chicago talk, or at least dream, grandiosely about global expansion. Many never make it. This one did.

Exterior image of the AIT building with its sign in the foreground
Global Economy

What the Ukraine War, Taiwan, and Gaza Have in Common

In the News
The National Interest
Paul Heer

"Washington’s denial—or revisionism—about US policies that helped to fuel current or potential crises only makes them more intractable," Paul Heer argues.

An American flag flies in a cloudy sky
AP Photos
US Foreign Policy