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Unpacking the Putin-Kim Jung Un Meeting

In the News
Spectrum News 1
Bruce Jentleson

Russia needs munitions for the war in Ukraine, Bruce Jentleson explains, while North Korea wants technology for its space program.

Bruce Jentleson joins Spectrum News 1 via video Global Politics

Can City Diplomacy Help African Cities Take Action on Climate Mobility?

Global Insight by Coauthors

African cities are experiencing growing climate-related migration that has the opportunity to unlock their economic, social, and cultural development.

Libya climate crisis.
AP Photos
Global Cities

Reflecting on Two Years of Taliban Rule

Running Numbers by Lama El Baz

The anniversary of the Taliban's return to power has reignited a debate about how best to support the Afghan people.

Taliban fighters patrol on the road
AP Photos
Public Opinion

Ukraine’s Counteroffensive Is Actually Succeeding

In the News
World Politics Review
Paul Poast

The goal of Ukraine’s counteroffensive is not to defeat Russia per se, but to convince the West its continued support is worth it, Paul Poast argues.

A Ukrainian soldier stands beside a road near Bakhmut
AP Photos
Defense and Security

What a BRICS Expansion Means for the US

In the News
Chicago Tribune
Elizabeth Shackelford

The bloc's popularity signals dissatisfaction with the Western-run global order, Elizabeth Shackelford writes.

Brazil's President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, China's President Xi Jinping, South Africa's President Cyril Ramaphosa, India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Russia's Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov pose for a BRICS group photo
AP Photos
Global Politics

Neighborhood Dynamics in SNAP Participation and Food Access

Global Food for Thought by Katie Wilberding

Accounting for neighborhood characteristics can help remove barriers to SNAP enrollment.

A sign advertises a program that allows food stamp recipients to use their EBT cards to shop at a farmer's market in Topsham, Maine.
AP Photos
Food and Agriculture

US Priorities for the G20

In the News
India Today
Craig Kafura

The Biden administration's focus will be "firmly fixed on issues of development" at the New Delhi summit, Craig Kafura says.

Craig Kafura speaks on a TV panel US Foreign Policy

From Likes to Violence: How Big Tech is Helping Fuel Extremism

Deep Dish on Global Affairs Podcast

Could Big Tech's failure to moderate social media be fueling violence and extremism in Kenya and beyond?

An iPhone displays the apps for Facebook
Tech and Science

Bracing for Trump 2.0

In the News
Foreign Affairs
Daniel W. Drezner

"Many global actors are anxious about the 2024 US presidential election," writes Nonresident Senior Fellow Dan Drezner in Foreign Affairs.

Donald Trump places hand over heart in front of a crowd in Waco, TX, podium with a sign bearing his name at right.
AP Photos
US Foreign Policy

China's Ambitions and George Kennan's Legacy

In the News
Security Dilemma
Paul Heer

Paul Heer weighs in on how Xi Jinping thinks and what role the intelligence community should play in foreign policy.

Chinese President Xi Jinping is seen on screen at the Museum of the Communist Party of China
AP Photos
US Foreign Policy