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Underground climate change is slowly sinking Chicago and cities across the globe

ChicagoGlobal by Nicole L. Cvetnic

We know Venice is sinking. What about Chicago, which accounts for about 234 square miles of land?

An aerial view of Chicago
AP Photos
Global Cities

Hollywood's 'Oppenheimer' moment puts a sobering UChicago tradition into focus

ChicagoGlobal by H. Lee Murphy

The day the film earned 13 Academy Award nominations was also the day the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists' Doomsday Clock was set to reflect that the world is now closer to apocalypse than it has been at any time before.

A person with a clock and the words "it is 90 seconds to midnight"
AP Photos
Defense and Security

Jordan Drone Strike, US-China Relations, Farmer Protests in Europe

Video Series
World Review with Ivo Daalder

Ravi Agrawal, Susan Glasser, and Giles Whittell join Ivo Daalder to discuss the week's top news stories.

Middle East Jordan Drone
AP Photos
Global Politics

Biden's 'Defending Democracy’ Agenda Is All Talk

In the News
World Politics Review
Paul Poast

"The Biden administration’s approach to foreign policy is realpolitik from top to bottom," Paul Poast writes.

Biden speaks at the Summit for Democracy
AP Photos
US Foreign Policy

What the American Public Thinks of China

In the News
National Committee on US-China Relations
Craig Kafura

Craig Kafura unpacks Council survey findings on US attitudes toward Beijing.

Craig Kafura speaks via video call US Foreign Policy

The US Must Strike Iran, and Take out Its Terrorist Commanders

In the News
The Telegraph
Saeid Golkar

"We will only have peace when America uses force to defend its interests," Saeid Golkar and Kasra Aarabi write.

Iran's Revolutionary Guard members stand in front of Shahab-3 missile
AP Photos
US Foreign Policy

The big business of small trains: Why Chicago models are so popular internationally

ChicagoGlobal by AJ Caughey

Chicago’s transit system has international fans, and your commuter train might be an international influencer.

A Chicago Transit Authority train passes overhead near W Roscoe and Clark Streets
AP Photos
Global Cities

Don't Blame a Lack of Will for Waning US Hegemony

In the News
World Politics Review
Paul Poast

Paul Poast explores how a changing international system is placing new limits on American power.

Joe Biden speaks in front of an American flag
AP Photos
US Foreign Policy

Germany's Far Right Protests, Netanyahu Criticism, North Korea's Unification Renege

Video Series
World Review with Ivo Daalder

Stefan Kornelius, Carla Anne Robbins, and Peter Spiegel join Ivo Daalder to discuss the week's top news stories.

Germany Far-Right Protest
AP Photos
Global Politics

How Alinea wound up on so many global travelers' bucket lists

ChicagoGlobal by H. Lee Murphy

In the elite realm of haute cuisine where Alinea resides, the influence, name recognition, and drawing power of the restaurant extends well beyond Chicago to the dining capitals of the world.

Inside Alinea restaurant
Courtesy of Alinea
Global Economy