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Sean McFate on the Future of War

Video Series
Wait Just a Minute

Former US paratrooper Sean McFate joins us in this episode of Wait Just a Minute.

Screenshot of Sean McFate speaking on-screen Defense and Security

What's the Most Likely Outcome for Venezuela?

Video Series

Ivo Daalder makes three encompassing points about the future of Venezuela, in this episode of #AskIvo.

Nicolás Maduro speaking at an event.
Global Politics

Are Europe and Germany Ready for Life after Angela Merkel?

Video Series

In this episode of #AskIvo, Council President Ivo Daalder explains what we can expect after German Chancellor Angela Merkel leaves office.

Picture of German Chancellor Angela Merkel Global Politics

Is China's Investment in Africa a Debt Trap?

Video Series

In this episode of #AskIvo, Council President Ivo Daalder explores if China’s investment in Africa a debt trap.

Picture of Xi shaking hands with an African leader.
Global Economy

New York Times' David Sanger on Cyberattacks

Video Series
Wait Just a Minute

New York Times national security correspondent David Sanger takes a minute to answer questions about cyberattacks and why they have become the new weapon of choice for foreign adversaries.

David Sanger Wait Just a Minute screen shot Defense and Security

Europe: Destined for Conflict

Video Series

The Chicago Council on Global Affairs and Stratfor founder and CEO George Friedman presents a discussion on the emerging crisis in Europe.

Global Economy