100 Years of Issues, Ideas, and Impact
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In the book, "Chicago and the World - 100 Years of the Chicago Council on Global Affairs," Richard Longworth tells the dual history of a century of the Council and of the foreign policy battles and debates as they paraded across the Council’s stage.

The Chicago Council on Global Affairs came to life in 1922 in a Chicago dominated by isolationism. It led the great debate over American participation in World War II and, after that war, over the nation’s new dominant role in the world. As a forum, it struggled with all the major issues—Vietnam, the Cold War, the War on Terrorism, and whether America is best served by an active or restrained foreign policy.

Chicago and the World
Learn more about Dick Longworth's new book, "Chicago and the World: 100 Years of the Chicago Council on Global Affairs" and the Council's history through archival photos, videos, and more.

Related Event Series
The Century of Global Leadership series is a four-part event series reflecting on key themes and pivotal periods that have shaped the Council's first century.