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The Strategic Implications of the China-EU Investment Deal

In the News
The Diplomat
Theresa Fallon

The EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment is a win for China, and a blow to transatlantic relations.

China and Eu flags
Marco Verch
Global Politics

On COVID-19, Foreign Policy Elites are Just as Polarized as the Public

In the News
The Hill

New survey results suggest that President-elect Biden will have to work hard to cultivate bipartisan buy-in for efforts to rein in the spread of the coronavirus pandemic.

An advertisement on a wall saying "together we can help stop the spread of COVID-19" Global Health

How to (Finally) Defeat Populism

In the News
Foreign Policy

Rust Belts exist around the world, and integrating them into the larger trans-Atlantic community is key to political stability.

Railway workers in Iran
Javad Esmaeili
Global Politics

Europe’s Problems will Persist, Even with Biden in the White House

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Chicago Tribune
Ivo H. Daalder

Europe is right that Biden’s election offers an opportunity to build a strong and enduring partnership — but success will require Europe to be strong, united and committed in that very effort as well.

President-elect Biden's ancestral home in Ireland
PA Images
Global Politics

A Democracy Summit Is Not What the Doctor Ordered

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Foreign Affairs

A new administration may find that the summit overloads its circuits at a demanding time.

NATO Alliance summit in Watford
US Foreign Policy

A New Consensus for Growth in the 21st Century

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Civil Service College Singapore
Kris Hartley

A new model for development—based on synergy, vigour, and sustainability—may be key to addressing changing needs in an age of globalisation and digital revolution.

The city of Singapore at night
Lilly Banse
Global Cities

If Joe Biden Really wants Bipartisan Action, Experts say Foreign Policy is his Best Bet

In the News

Climate action, perhaps the highest global priority of all, will be a tough sell to Republicans, however

Biden speaks to a crowd on the 2020 campaign trail
Adam Schultz
Global Politics

Subnational Diplomacy can Bolster American Soft Power Abroad

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The Hill
Matthew Abbott

Better training and coordination between officials at all levels of government will give subnational diplomacy the chance to bolster American soft power abroad while boosting trade and foreign direct investment at home.

Chinese flags in Tiananmen Square
Zachary Keimig
Global Cities

On Day 1, Biden Should End Trump's Vaccine Nationalism

In the News
Chicago Tribune
Ivo H. Daalder

Operation Warp Speed is focused solely on developing and distributing vaccines for the US population, but Americans won’t truly be safe until everyone is safe, argues Council President Ivo Daalder.

President Elect Biden waves in front of US flag.
Global Health

The Gendered Dynamics of Gun Violence in Chicago

In the News
Women in International Security

Examining the gendered dynamics of conflict helps us better understand increasing rates of violence and ways to mitigate it in Chicago.

Women in Chicago protest gun violence
Women and Girls