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Disinformation Sowed Our Failure in Afghanistan

In the News
Chicago Tribune
Elizabeth Shackelford

"You cannot build good foreign policy on dishonesty. But we keep trying to because no one pays for it," writes Elizabeth Shackelford.

Man on bicycle in front of Hamid Kerzal International airport in Kabul
US Foreign Policy

Physical Infrastructure Is a Start; Human Infrastructure Must Follow

In the News
Chicago Tribune
Alexander Hitch

"To prevent an uneven recovery and further economic inequality, policies that narrow the gap between communities succeeding and those struggling must move to center stage," writes Alex Hitch.

President Biden in front of a blue screen
Chicago Tribune
Global Economy

Biden Says He Stands 'Squarely Behind' Afghanistan Decision

In the News
Cécile Shea

The Council's Cécile Shea joins WTTW's "Chicago Tonight" to explain why she believes Afghanistan's collapse was inevitable—and what could happen next.

Cecile Shea on WTTW
WTTW Chicago Tonight
US Foreign Policy

Chaos Swirls in Afghanistan as President Biden Defends Decision to Pull Out

In the News
Fox 32 Chicago
Elizabeth Shackelford

The Council's Lizzy Shackelford joins Fox 32 Chicago to analyze the Taliban's Afghanistan takeover and US foreign policy lessons from America's longest war.

Screenshot of Lizzy Shackelford on Fox TV
Fox 32 Chicago
US Foreign Policy

How to Help Afghanistan: Refugee Organizations Will Play Critical Role

In the News
ABC 7 Chicago
Elizabeth Shackelford

The Council's Elizabeth Shackelford joins ABC 7 Chicago to discuss why getting Afghans and US allies out of harm's way is imperative as the crisis deepens.

Screenshot of Elizabeth Shackelford on ABC 7
ABC 7 Chicago
US Foreign Policy

Political Appointees Are a Problem for Foreign Policy

In the News
Chicago Tribune
Elizabeth Shackelford

Elizabeth Shackelford explains why America shouldn’t aim to be so exceptional when it comes to selecting diplomats.

Biden leaving plane
The White House
US Foreign Policy

The System That Sent Billionaires to Space Could Fall Apart Without Their Help

In the News
John Austin

As billionaires race to space, "our democracies could use their help on the ground," John Austin argues in Barron's.

Bezos goes to space
Global Economy

Be Wary of China Threat Inflation

In the News
Foreign Policy
Bruce Jentleson

"The China threat is being inflated in ways that, as with the Soviet threat in the Cold War and terrorism post-9/11, are counterproductive for foreign-policy strategy and distort domestic politics in dangerous ways," Bruce Jentleson argues.

100th anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party
US Foreign Policy

How Americans Think About Trade

In the News
Foreign Affairs
Diana C. Mutz

Americans’ views are shaped by trade’s perceived effects on the United States as a whole, their feelings about the trading partner country and US political party in power, and their general outlook on the world beyond their country’s borders.

Workers in a Honda plant
Global Economy

Bipartisan Bill Could End Our Casual Relationship with War

In the News
Chicago Tribune
Elizabeth Shackelford

The Council's Elizabeth Shackelford explains how a new bipartisan bill could renew Congressional war powers and reign in presidential power to engage the United States in conflict.

US soldiers in Afghanistan
US Department of Defense
Defense and Security