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What Is Really Driving Chinese Aggression?

In the News
National Interest
Paul Heer

Actions by other players—including China’s neighbors and the United States—are key drivers of Beijing’s perception of the international environment and responses to it, Paul Heer explains.

Chinese tank
Defense and Security

Renew Space Dialogue with China

In the News
War on the Rocks
Craig Kafura

It’s high time to re-launch the Civil Space Dialogue and the Space Security Exchange with China, argues Craig Kafura in War on the Rocks.

Astronauts Ye Guangfu, Zhai Zhigang and Wang Yaping wave during a ceremony ahead of the launch of the Long March-2F Y13 rocket
Defense and Security

Coups Are Happening Where Democracy Is Failing

In the News
Chicago Tribune
Elizabeth Shackelford

“Those who want democracy to succeed must help make the case,” argues Elizabeth Shackelford in the Chicago Tribune. Case in point: the US impact on coups.

Protestors wave red flags in Tunisia.
US Foreign Policy

Time for the Quad to Expand into Subnational Partnerships

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The Diplomat
Matthew Abbott

To mitigate competition between China and members of the Quad, subnational diplomacy must take center stage, argues Matt Abbott in the Diplomat.

President Joe Biden, joined by Vice President Kamala Harris, Secretary of State Antony Blinken and White House staff, participates in the virtual Quad Summit in 2021.
Adam Schultz
US Foreign Policy

Putin Boxed in, but Crisis Continues

In the News
W Radio
Ivo H. Daalder

“Putin needs a way out, he is in a cage, but this does not mean that there is no threat,” Council President Ivo Daalder tells W Radio.

Vladimir Putin at a podium outdoors.
US Foreign Policy

How Would the US Public Respond to a Russian Invasion of Ukraine?

In the News
War on the Rocks

Americans are evenly split on whether to send troops to defend Ukraine, likely a sign of bipartisanship on the issue, argues Dina Smeltz in War on the Rocks.

American troops line up to board an aircraft waiting to deploy to Ukraine in Fort Bragg.
Defense and Security

Struggling Regions Need a Leg Up in Infrastructure Funds

In the News

“Repaired and updated infrastructure-based amenities should train their focus on distressed communities first,” write John Austin and Alex Hitch in Governing.

The Big Four railroad bridge in Jefferson, Missouri.
H. Michael Miley
Global Economy

The West's Ukraine Response: Where Could It Go Wrong?

In the News
Deep State Radio
Ivo H. Daalder

What will come of Sergeĭ Lavrov and Antony Blinken’s phone call? Council President Ivo Daalder joins Deep State Radio to discuss.

Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergeĭ Lavrov stands at a podium in front of a Russian flag and painting.
US Foreign Policy

The Fallout of Zero-COVID in China

In the News
The Diplomat
Kris Hartley

China's Zero-COVID policy was "meant to be living proof of a superior system of governance," writes Kris Hartley in the Diplomat.

Two figures in full body medical protective suits walk in front of the Olympic rings in the Beijing airport.
Global Health

Ally-shore to Restore US Economic Leadership, Protect Democracy

In the News
Our Towns
John Austin

“By centering our economic and trade relations with our friends, we can drive a more powerful collective recovery,” writes John Austin in Our Towns.

Secretary Blinken Meets With Republic of Cyprus Foreign Minister.
Freddie Everett
US Foreign Policy