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The Vast, Untapped Potential of City Procurement

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Smart Cities Dive
Sascha Haselmayer

Sascha Haselmayer argues for local governments to engage with their residents more on public procurement, the process by which cities buy goods and services.

A pile of $1, $5, and $10 American bills. Global Cities

United States Splits from Global Trend on Abortion Rights

In the News
Elizabeth Shackelford

Banning abortion “doesn't look like a particularly democratic move for a country that purports to be a beacon of democracy,” says Elizabeth Shackelford on WGN-9.

Global Health

America Is the World's Gun Store

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Foreign Policy
Robert Muggah

"US sales of lethal firearms aren’t just a domestic issue," argues Nonresident Senior Fellow Robert Muggah in Foreign Policy.

Gold bullets in a pile on grey surface next to black magazine. Defense and Security

The Perils of Pessimism: Why Anxious Nations Are Dangerous Nations

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Foreign Affairs
Daniel W. Drezner

Daniel Drezner explores the importance of leaders having an optimistic outlook and how far the optimism can go to build a better world.

A display of flags of various countries.
Global Politics

Fears of a Nuclear-Armed Iran Might Be Overblown

In the News
World Politics Review
Paul Poast

Reports that Iran is nearing the point of capably developing a nuclear weapon are causing alarm, but they are still a ways away from building a bomb.

Nuclear power plant cooling towers in the Kurdistan region of Iran.
Defense and Security

Foreign Policy Education for All Americans

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Cleveland Council on World Affairs
Elizabeth Shackelford

Elizabeth Shackleford joined the Cleveland Council on World Affairs to discuss the importance of foreign policy education.

A cirular display of world flags.
US Foreign Policy

The War in Ukraine Is on Track to Be among Modern History's Bloodiest

In the News
The Washington Post
Paul Poast

Five months after Russia's invasion of Ukraine, more soldiers are dying per day than the typical war — and all signs point to protracted conflict.

Apartment buildings in Borodyanka, Ukraine lay destroyed.
Defense and Security

Climate Refugees Still Need Protection

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Crain's Chicago Business
John Slocum

As climate change continues to displace people, those fleeing must be protected as refugees, argues John Slocum in Crain's Chicago Business.

Two figures in a boat in flooded Pakistan
Climate and the Environment

G7 Leaders Should Capitalize on Public Support to Rebuild Western Alliance

In the News
Dina Smeltz

Leaders at this year's G7 summit have a "unique, and potentially short, window of opportunity to breathe new life into the Western alliance."

President Biden sits at a working lunch at the G7 Summit.
Defense and Security

Last Best Hope: The West's Final Chance to Build a Better World Order

In the News
Foreign Affairs
Ivo H. Daalder

Ivo Daalder and James Lindsay argue that the West must form a G-12 alliance to “turn its newfound unity into a broader effort to save the rules-based order.”

G7 Meeting in Brussels in front of flags and a brick wall.
Defense and Security