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Why Khamenei's Son Is Unlikely Succeed Him as Iran’s Supreme Leader

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Middle East Institute
Saeid Golkar

As rumors spread, Saeid Golkar argues why it's unlikely that Mojtaba Khamenei, son of Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, succeeds his father.

Mojtaba Khamenei, the son of Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, attends a Jerusalem day demonstration in Tehran on May 31, 2019.
Global Politics

Bolsonaro's Quest to Be Top Gun Endangers Brazil

In the News
Washington Post
Robert Muggah

Jair Bolsonaro "has emboldened his boosters to distrust the polls and decry the electoral system, while making sure they’re packing heat," writes Robert Muggah.

Brazilian President  Jair Bolsonaro gestures during a military event in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Defense and Security

Yoon Scrambles to Restore Domestic Confidence

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East Asia Forum
Karl Friedhoff

The South Korean president's approval ratings have declined due to an unending cascade of unforced errors, Karl Friedhoff writes.

South Korea's President Yoon Suk-yeol attends a NATO summit in Madrid, Spain
Public Opinion

Putin's NATO Bungle

In the News
Ivo H. Daalder

"Russia’s actions have only cemented American support for NATO," writes Council President Ivo Daalder in POLITICO.

Vladimir Putin sits at a desk and looks up from a folio with raised eyebrows, red flag behind him.
US Foreign Policy

Xi Jinping's Russia Problem

In the News
Newstalk ZB
Cécile Shea

Cécile Shea joins the Mike Hosking Breakfast podcast to discuss why Chinese President Xi Jinping can't be seen supporting Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping at the Kremlin in Moscow, Russia, on June 5, 2019
Global Politics

The West Is Now a Co-Belligerent in the War in Ukraine

In the News
World Politics Review
Paul Poast

If Russia does ultimately lose the war, Nonresident Fellow Paul Poast argues, it will be a great victory for the West and NATO.

Ukrainian President Zelensky appears by video at NATO summit
Defense and Security

The West Holds Firm

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Foreign Affairs
Ivo H. Daalder

"The collapse of Western resolve remains unlikely, even if Ukraine’s current counteroffensive stalls," writes Council President Ivo Daalder.

The Ukrainian flag is displayed outside the European Parliament in Brussels, June 2022
Global Politics

Xi Unlikely to Throw Putin a Lifeline

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Bloomberg Markets Asia
Ivo H. Daalder

Are close ties with Russia a liability for Xi Jinping? Council President Ivo Daalder argues "in some ways, it is" on Bloomberg Markets Asia.

Ivo Daalder speaks with Yvonne Man, David Ingles and Rishaad Salamat on "Bloomberg Markets Asia". Defense and Security

Ukraine Makes Gains in War with Russia

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CBS News
Ivo H. Daalder

Ukrainian forces have retaken roughly 3,000 square kilometers of territory in the past nine days. Council President Ivo Daalder analyzes on CBS News.

Screenshot of Ivo Daalder speaking on CBS news next to footage of Ukrainian soldiers saluting flag near pine trees. Defense and Security

How Ukraine's New Offensive Could Win the War against Russia

In the News
Plain English
Paul Poast

Nonresident Fellow Paul Poast joins the podcast to break down Ukraine’s extraordinary counteroffensive.

Ukraine military wear patches with Ukraine flag Defense and Security