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Examining Volodymyr Zelenskyy's Address to Congress

In the News
CBS News
Ivo H. Daalder

Ivo Daalder and Ed O'Keefe, discussed the highlights of Zelenskyy's speech and what it could signal next for the war with Russia.

Screenshot of Zelenskyy and Ivo Daalder on CBS News US Foreign Policy

Zelenskyy at White House in First Trip since Russian Invasion

In the News
CNN Newsroom
Ivo H. Daalder

Presidents Zelenskyy and Biden "really want to take the measure of each other," Council President Ivo Daalder tells CNN's Victor Blackwell.

Screenshot of Ivo Daalder speaking next to insert of President Zelenskyy and Biden standing at White House. US Foreign Policy

What's Next for Russia: Does Putin Matter?

In the News
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
Daniel W. Drezner

Nonresident Senior Fellow Daniel Drezner discusses how Russian national interests will define any successor’s actions with Melinda Haring and Charles Strozier.

Daniel Drezner speaking over a video call. Global Politics

COP27 and the Fight Against Climate Change

In the News
Ertharin Cousin

Distinguished Fellow Ertharin Cousin and Matthias Berninger explore the role of food and agriculture in the climate conversation, and the results of COP27.

COP27 2022 sign
The Pursuit Room
Food and Agriculture

At the World Cup and Olympics, Geopolitics Is a Feature, Not a Bug

In the News
World Politics Review
Paul Poast

Major sporting events offer unique opportunities for the host countries, the competitors and the world, Paul Poast writes.

General view inside the World Cup stadium
Global Politics

Pentagon Can’t Balance Its Books but Gets a Budget Boost Anyway

In the News
Chicago Tribune
Elizabeth Shackelford

"Debate and scrutiny are exactly what our defense budget needs most," Elizabeth Shackelford argues.

a soldier stands outside the Department of Defense
US Department of Defense
Defense and Security

Climate Change Could Force 1.2 Billion People to Move by 2050

In the News
Robert Muggah

In a world beset by rising temperatures, climate migration and disaster displacement are quickly becoming the signal 21st century crisis.

Climate migration
Global Cities

Yoon Sees Approval Rate Bump after Adopting Harder-Edged Image

In the News
NK News
Karl Friedhoff

Banning press from a presidential plane and his response to truckers’ strike likely played to Yoon’s conservative base, Karl Friedhoff writes.

Yoon Suk-yeol at a Association of National Olympic Committees meeting in Seoul, Oct. 202
Shin Yugyeong
Public Opinion

US 'War Profiteering' in Ukraine Is a Red Herring

In the News
World Politics Review
Paul Poast

Such accusations ignore the harm the war is doing to the US economy and the potential political peril it has created for the Biden administration, Paul Poast writes.

A US service member prepares cargo in support of Ukraine
US Foreign Policy

Unpacking Xi Jinping's Visit to Saudi Arabia

In the News
Elizabeth Shackelford

"I imagine part of this is to demonstrate at home to his domestic audience that he's doing big things for the Chinese people," Elizabeth Shackelford says.

Elizabeth Shackelford speaks on CNBC Global Politics