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Doomsday or Not, the Level of Nuclear Risk Just Got Higher

In the News
World Politics Review
Paul Poast

"Putin's New START withdrawal, as well as posturing by Iran and North Korea, have significantly raised the level of nuclear risk," Paul Poast writes.

a mushroom cloud
US Foreign Policy

AI and the Global South

In the News
Project Syndicate
Robert Muggah

Predictive analytics are being deployed at an unprecedented scale, including in countries that are still in the midst of their own digital revolutions.

Defense and Security

Rethinking Sustainability for Global Food Assistance Programs

In the News
Abigail Conrad

To prevent and manage food insecurity and undernutrition, the global community should sustainably continue vital food assistance programs, while building more resilient food systems that provide equitable access to healthy diets.

Three tractors plow a green field.
James Baltz
Food and Agriculture

US Aid to Ukraine Hits $115 Billion

In the News
WESH-2 News
Dina Smeltz

“Democrats have stayed pretty remarkably consistent,” in support for US aid to Ukraine, Senior Fellow Dina Smeltz explains on WESH-2 News.

Screenshot of Dina Smeltz speaking on WESH-2 News in a light blue blouse with an orchid in background. US Foreign Policy

Ukraine's Outsized Reliance on the US Is a Risk for the World

In the News
The Chicago Tribune
Elizabeth Shackelford

“None of our allies today is prepared to bear the brunt of what should be, first and foremost, a European burden,” writes Elizabeth Shackelford.

American flag with Ukraine flag colors in the white spots, blowing in the wind seen from below with skyscrapers behind.
US Foreign Policy

One Year on, President Zelenskyy Vows to Lead Ukraine to Victory

In the News
CBC News
Elizabeth Shackelford

How does Russia find its way out? Elizabeth Shackelford says it depends on what Putin believes he can accomplish and sell at home as a victory.

Screenshot of Lizzy Shackelford, Natasha Fatah, and Ukrainian soldiers in front of a monument on CBC News. US Foreign Policy

Ukraine Expects Increased Attacks on One-Year Anniversary of Invasion

In the News
WGN News
Sibel Oktay

Sibel Oktay remarks on how "steadfast and unwavering" European and American support of Ukraine has been this year with WGN News.

Screen shot of Sibel Oktay in an office with bookshelves in background on WGN Chicago. US Foreign Policy

Will the American-Ukraine Consensus Start to Crack?

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The National Interest
Bruce Jentleson

"Soft spots have been showing—and risk becoming cracks in the support base Biden needs to sustain that commitment." argues Bruce Jentleson.

Zelenskyy and Biden shoulder shot, Z left and B right.
Defense and Security

Is Beijing Serious about a Peace Plan in Ukraine?

In the News
DW News
Theresa Fallon

Nonresident Senior Fellow Theresa Fallon weighs in on the opportunities the war in Ukraine presents to both Russia and China.

Theresa Fallon on DW News (at right); anchor at left. Global Politics

Are America and China Headed for Military Conflict?

In the News
The National Interest
Paul Heer

Is conflict inevitable between the two superpowers? Nonresident Senior Fellow Paul Heer joins Jacob Heilbrunn and Elbridge A. Colby to discuss.

Profile head shot of Wang Yi looking to his left in front of a red Chinese flag.
Defense and Security