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The US Should Welcome Immigrants with Open Arms—and Open Borders

In the News
World Politics Review
Paul Poast

"Expanded immigration is vital to the United States’ future as a major power," Paul Poast writes.

American and California state flags fly behind the US-Mexico border wall
AP Photos

Turkey and the Power of Controlling the Narrative

In the News
Chicago Tribune
Elizabeth Shackelford

"Let Turkey’s election be a reminder that a free vote means little in the face of a false narrative," Elizabeth Shackelford writes.

Youngsters stand next to giant election billboard of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
AP Photos
Global Politics

Paths to New Prosperity and a Better Politics in Democracies

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Our Towns Civic Foundation
John Austin

Transatlantic leaders can share ideas, tools, and strategies to help bridge economic divides between struggling heartland communities and thriving cities.

Site of Ohio Intel factory
AP Photos
Global Cities

The Geopolitics of Biden's G7 Trip

In the News
Sirius XM The Briefing
Craig Kafura

As world leaders meet in Japan, they are likely to discuss Russia's war in Ukraine, tensions in the Taiwan Strait, and economic coercion from China, Craig Kafura tells Steve Scully.

President Joe Biden holds a bilateral meeting with Japan's Prime Minister Fumio Kishida
AP Photos
Global Politics

The Conflict Cannot End until Ukraine Is Part of the West

In the News
Ivo H. Daalder

“The question is when and how,” writes Council President Ivo Daalder.

Italian Premier Giorgia Meloni, right, meets Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy at Chigi Palace, Government's office, in Rome
AP Photos
US Foreign Policy

The Biden Administration Is Still Flying Blind on Latin America

In the News
World Politics Review
Paul Poast

"At best, one could say that US policy toward Latin America is a piecemeal and inconsistent amalgam of sporadic attempts at engagement," Paul Poast writes.

President Joe Biden hosts a working lunch with heads of state and government during the Ninth Summit of the Americas
The White House
US Foreign Policy

Erdogan Lashes out at Rival as Voters Prepare to Go to the Polls

In the News
NPR's Morning Edition
Sibel Oktay

Erdogan's standing is in large part due to the government's controlling of the media and silencing opposition, argues Sibel Oktay.

Erdogan pointing to the right holding a microphone
AP Photos
Global Politics

How an Aging Population and Fiscal Conservatism Are Shaping ROK Defense Spending

In the News
NK News
Karl Friedhoff

Seoul has balanced between domestic concerns and external threats, Karl Friedhoff writes, but economic realities now threaten the equilibrium.

President Yoon tours a South Korean naval base
Kang Min Seok/ROK
Defense and Security

The Global Gold Rush Imperils the Brazilian Amazon

In the News
Robert Muggah

Economic instability has increased the price of gold as Brazilian President Lula da Silva attempts to crack down on illegal mining threating the Amazon.

Illegal Brazilian mining in the Amazon.
AP Photos
Climate and the Environment

Turkish Election Could Spell End to Erdogan Era

In the News
Responsible Statecraft
Sibel Oktay

“Undoing Erdogan’s rule is nothing short of a Herculean task. But it is not impossible,” writes Sibel Oktay. “Springtime might just be upon Turkey.”

Kemal Kilicdaroglu speaks at a campaign rally in Tekirdag, shown from behind in front of a crowd with many red flags.
AP Photos
Global Politics