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Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza Worsens as Israel-Hamas War Continues

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Al Arabi
CĂ©cile Shea

CĂ©cile Shea joins Al Arabi to discuss the ongoing challenges getting aid into Gaza.

Cecile Shea joins Al Arabi via video US Foreign Policy

Washington's 'China Consensus' Masks a Deeper Debate

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World Politics Review
Paul Poast

Paul Poast unpacks various arguments about whether China's rise poses an actual threat to the United States.

President Joe Biden Meets with China's President President Xi Jinping
Doug Mills / AP
US Foreign Policy

Turning Cyprus from a Problem into a Solution

In the News
Ivo H. Daalder

The island offers a platform for political, economic, humanitarian and military reach at Europe’s intersection with the Middle East, Ivo Daalder writes.

an aid ship at a port in Cyprus
Petros Karadjias / AP
Global Politics

The G7 Could Be in Its Death Throes—again

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World Politics Review
Paul Poast

Paul Poast evaluates the future of the grouping as it holds its 50th meeting.

G7 leaders meet with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen
Alex Brandon / AP
Global Politics

We’re Still Living in the World That D-Day Made

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World Politics Review
Paul Poast

Paul Poast unpacks how the Normandy invasion shaped international politics in the 20th century and its impact still today.

British World War II veteran John King is greeted by a young girl in Normandy
Virginia Mayo / AP
US Foreign Policy

Biden Will Deliver a Defense of Democracy To Mark D-Day

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Ivo H. Daalder

The speech comes as isolationist views are growing, Ivo Daalder tells NPR. "NATO is becoming politicized in a way it never was until this point."

President Joe Biden watches Republican Guards as he arrives in France
Julien de Rosa / AP
US Foreign Policy

The World’s Shifting Populations Will Define International Politics

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World Politics Review
Paul Poast

"Demographic changes will be the key driver of global competition over the next century and beyond," Paul Poast writes.

People rush to catch their train in Beijing to return home for the Chinese lunar new year
Andy Wong / AP
Global Politics

What Does America Want from China? A Possible Partner

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Foreign Affairs
Paul Heer

"There is ample evidence that Xi and the CCP are interested in constructive engagement and peaceful coexistence with the United States," Paul Heer writes.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken meets with China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi
Mark Schiefelbein / AP
US Foreign Policy

Is Russia Winning the War in Ukraine?

In the News
Ivo H. Daalder

Is it too late for the West to help Ukraine ward off total defeat? Ivo Daalder weighs in on a new episode of GZERO World with Ian Bremmer.

Ian Bremmer and Ivo Daalder speak on screen US Foreign Policy

Biden’s Response to the ICC Undermined His Own Foreign Policy

In the News
World Politics Review
Paul Poast

President Biden's dismissive response undercuts his efforts to rebuild the perceived strength of international institutions, Paul Poast argues.

President Joe Biden pauses during a speech
Matt Rourke / AP
US Foreign Policy