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The Fate of Justice in Russia-Ukraine Peace Talks

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Just Security
David Scheffer

It's not too soon to consider the role of accountability, particularly criminal accountability, in negotiations between Russia and Ukraine, David Scheffer writes.

Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskyy addresses the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly
AP Photos
Human Rights

Hostility between the United States and China Looks Increasingly Inescapable

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The National Interest
Paul Heer

Washington and Beijing see themselves locked in a zero-sum competition doubling as an existential ideological struggle, Paul Heer writes.

Xi Jinping and Joe Biden stand in front of Chinese and American flags
AP Photos
US Foreign Policy

No One Could Have Predicted Russia’s Military Failure in Ukraine

In the News
World Politics Review
Paul Poast

"Once bullets and projectiles start flying, the variables at play multiply, and in the ensuing chaos there are limits to what can be controlled," Paul Poast writes.

Ukrainian National guard soldiers fire at Russian positions from an anti-aircraft gun
AP Photos
Defense and Security

John Lorinc's "Dream States" Wins Global Cities Book Award

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The Globe and Mail
John Lorinc

The book, which raises tough questions about smart city tech and its impacts on urban communities, was awarded a $25,000 prize for the inaugural award.

Dream States by John Lorinc Global Cities

Unraveling the Global War on Terror in Africa

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Defense Priorities
Elizabeth Shackelford

More than 20 years after 9/11, are US counterterrorism efforts in Africa paying off? Senior Fellow Elizabeth Shackelford joins fellow experts to discuss.

Lizzy Shackelford speaks via Zoom US Foreign Policy

GOP Calls to Invade Mexico Are More Than Just a Political Stunt

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World Politics Review
Paul Poast

When in doubt about a foreign policy problem, Paul Poast argues, Washington’s first instinct is to turn to the military.

Mike Pence, Ron DeSantis and Vivek Ramaswamy stand on stage
AP Photos
US Foreign Policy

Unpacking the Putin-Kim Jung Un Meeting

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Spectrum News 1
Bruce Jentleson

Russia needs munitions for the war in Ukraine, Bruce Jentleson explains, while North Korea wants technology for its space program.

Bruce Jentleson joins Spectrum News 1 via video Global Politics

Ukraine’s Counteroffensive Is Actually Succeeding

In the News
World Politics Review
Paul Poast

The goal of Ukraine’s counteroffensive is not to defeat Russia per se, but to convince the West its continued support is worth it, Paul Poast argues.

A Ukrainian soldier stands beside a road near Bakhmut
AP Photos
Defense and Security

What a BRICS Expansion Means for the US

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Chicago Tribune
Elizabeth Shackelford

The bloc's popularity signals dissatisfaction with the Western-run global order, Elizabeth Shackelford writes.

Brazil's President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, China's President Xi Jinping, South Africa's President Cyril Ramaphosa, India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Russia's Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov pose for a BRICS group photo
AP Photos
Global Politics

US Priorities for the G20

In the News
India Today
Craig Kafura

The Biden administration's focus will be "firmly fixed on issues of development" at the New Delhi summit, Craig Kafura says.

Craig Kafura speaks on a TV panel US Foreign Policy