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US Foreign Policy

Trump's Russia Policy Sends Mixed Messages as Investigations Mount

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Ivo H. Daalder

Ivo Daalder, former U.S. ambassador to NATO and the current president of the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, says our allies in Europe are watching events unfold with “deep concern and great worry.”

Screenshot of Ivo Daalder speaking on TV US Foreign Policy

Republicans used to fear Russians. Here's what they think now.

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The Washington Post
Dina Smeltz

Even everyday Republicans are now more positive than Democrats toward Russia, according to several opinion polls.

Matryoshka dolls, or Russian nesting dolls, bearing the faces of President Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin, among other world leaders, are displayed for sale at a souvenir shop in central Moscow. US Foreign Policy

Does Trump's Travel Ban Make Americans Less Safe?

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Cécile Shea

Is Trump’s executive order really that much different from immigration bans imposed by his predecessors—including President Barack Obama? Or is it a big setback for counterterrorism efforts?

Cecile Shea on WTTW Migration

An Early Challenge to Trump's Foreign Policy in Asia

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Wall Street Journal
Karl Friedhoff

The dispute between Seoul and Tokyo over comfort women has wide-ranging ramifications.

South Korean women wearing traditional dress pay their respects to a comfort-woman statue set up in front of the Japanese consulate in Busan, South Korea. US Foreign Policy

Rebel Defeat in Aleppo Underscores U.S. Policy Failure

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Saeid Golkar

What, if anything, can and should the United States do to help end the conflict in Syria and stabilize the region?

Screenshot of Saeid Golkar talking on TV US Foreign Policy

Could a U.S.-Russia 'Reset' Change Public Distrust?

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National Interest
Dina Smeltz

While an improving tenor in official relations could lead Russians to warm to the United States, American public opinion may be more resistant.

Vladimir Putin speaking in front of a crowd Public Opinion

National Intelligence Chief James Clapper Resigns

In the News
Ivo H. Daalder

Ivo Daalder speaks on several items of breaking news including National Intelligence Chief James Clapper resigning, Trumps first meeting with an international leader, and former Trump critic being considered for cabinet.

Ivo Daalder speaking on-stage with a lit screen behind him US Foreign Policy

Trump's task is to rebuild trust with Europe over Nato

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Financial Times
Ivo H. Daalder

As president, Trump will have to reassure allies that America's commitment to their security remains strong and unconditional.

Donald Trump speaking with supporters at a campaign rally at the Phoenix Convention Center in Phoenix, Arizona.
Gage Skidmore
US Foreign Policy

The Rise Of Populism Abroad: It's Not Just Trump

In the News
Ivo H. Daalder

The rise of a populist movement isn't limited to the United States. Scott Simon talks with Ivo Daalder and Aleksandr Hemon about populism abroad, and their view of an extraordinary election.

Donald Trump speaking at a rally in 2016 US Foreign Policy

Nobody loves a conspiracy theory more than Donald Trump

In the News
Chicago Tribune
Richard C. Longworth

It's a conspiracy, folks. Only Donald Trump has it figured out, and only Donald Trump can save us from it.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks during a campaign rally at the Delaware County Fair, Thursday, Oct. 20, 2016, in Delaware, Ohio. US Foreign Policy