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US Foreign Policy

Iran Mourns Soleimani and Vows Retaliation Against US

In the News
Ivo H. Daalder

Former U.S. Ambassador to NATO Ivo Daalder, who now leads the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, called the decision to kill Soleimani “strategically a very unwise decision.”

Funeral of Qasem Soleimani, Tehran, Iran on 6 January 2020. Defense and Security

For the Iran War Hawks: 11 Lessons From Vietnam

In the News
Chicago Tribune
Richard C. Longworth

McNamara was tragically wrong about Vietnam. Now history repeats itself. The Trump administration seems determined to follow McNamara’s list of follies, again point by point.

Military running to helicopters during the Vietnam War. Defense and Security

People Around the World Will Demand Change in 2020. Will Global Leaders Be up to the Challenge?

In the News
Chicago Tribune
Ivo H. Daalder

We enter the ’20s at a time when American power and influence continues to wane, China’s is increasing and people all around the world are making clear that their voices need to be heard.

Tens of thousands of Hong Kong people gathered on the streets in Causeway Bay to march.
Voice of America
Global Politics

Missing from 2020: A Real Midwest Jobs Strategy

In the News
The Hill
John Austin

There are very tangible things that the next president can do to fuel growth in the Midwest — from increasing Federal R&D in health, energy, water and mobility solutions to focusing that effort through research-university-hubbed Innovation Institutes.

Aerial shot of Midwest fields with windmils
Thomas Richter
US Foreign Policy

Why National Security Advisor Is the Hardest Post for Trump to Fill

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Foreign Affairs
Ivo H. Daalder

In less than three years, President Trump has had three national security advisers: a campaign aide with a checkered past, a respected general, and an ideologue with strong views apparently consonant with his own. All ultimately failed.

John Bolton Defense and Security

The case for more foreign policy in the 2020 debates

In the News
Dina Smeltz

The US president often has nearly unchecked authority in foreign policy. We should learn how candidates would wield that power.

Workers prepare for the first 2020 Presidential Debate at Hofstra University
US Foreign Policy

Why the new China consensus in Washington scares me

In the News
The Washington Post
Daniel W. Drezner

Meet the new Red Scare. Is it the same as the old Red Scare?

Delegates listen to a speech by Chinese President Xi Jinping as he is seen on a large screen during the National People's Congress US Foreign Policy

Commentary: The real threat to liberalism is the US' unwillingness to defend it

In the News
Chicago Tribune
Ivo H. Daalder

Putin has spent the better part of two decades centralizing his power while actively undermining liberal institutions. But it is the failure of the US and its allies to adequately defend liberalism that is the real threat.

Vladimir Putin US Foreign Policy

Who Says Foreign Policy Doesn't Win Elections?

In the News
Foreign Affairs
Dina Smeltz

Trump’s Overseas Agenda Is a Golden Opportunity for Democrats

A collage of headshots of Democratic presidential candidates US Foreign Policy

When Trump Meets With World Leaders, He Won't Be the Only One Thinking About 2020

In the News
The New York Times
Ivo H. Daalder

By the time of this week’s Democratic presidential debate, President Trump should be ensconced in meetings with counterparts at an international summit gathering in Osaka, Japan.

President Trump in the Oval Office US Foreign Policy