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US Foreign Policy

Ivo Daalder On How Republicans And Democrats Diverge On Foreign Policy

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The Big Picture with Olivier Knox
Ivo H. Daalder

Ivo Daalder, President of the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, on The Big Picture with Olivier Knox.

American flags wave in a blue sky Public Opinion

Most Americans want more global engagement

In the News
Chicago Tribune

Rather than moving to cut ties with the rest of the world during the COVID-19 pandemic, majorities of Americans continue to prefer active U.S. engagement and shared leadership in world affairs.

President Donald Trump arrives to speak at a campaign rally Sept. 21, 2020, at Dayton International Airport in Ohio. Public Opinion

While the West dithers, Russia stays busy

In the News
Chicago Tribune
Ivo H. Daalder

When it comes to Russia, the West remains mostly divided—and no one has stepped up to lead the way to collective action.

 Protesters gather near Independence Palace, residence of Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko, in Minsk on Sept. 6 US Foreign Policy

Mike Pompeo Challenges China's Governing Regime

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The National Interest
Paul Heer

The Secretary of State’s approach to Beijing risks confirming its suspicions about U.S. subversion while simultaneously alienating the very Chinese people that he aspires to "engage and empower."

Mike Pompeo Defense and Security

A Group the Series, 'Shaking the Global Order'

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Global Summitry
Bruce Jentleson

Global affairs experts thought deeply on the questions of the Liberal Order and the consequences to American foreign policy in the Age of Trump.

UN Members' flags - the UN Headquarters, New York
US Foreign Policy

To Secure His Legacy, Khamenei Is Packing Iran's Government With Young Radicals

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Foreign Policy
Saeid Golkar

The supreme leader’s youth-washing strategy could keep detente with the United States off the table for years.

Iranian women holding national flags and pictures of Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, take part a pro-government demonstration in Tehran on Nov. 25, 2019. US Foreign Policy

Trump's Rejection of WHO and Other Global Pacts Leaves America on Its Own

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Chicago Tribune
Ivo H. Daalder

President Trump’s announcement that he would terminate U.S. membership in the World Health Organization is but the latest in a long list of decisions he has made to walk away from international institutions and agreements.

U.S. President Donald Trump takes questions as he addresses the daily coronavirus task force briefing in the Rose Garden at the White House in Washington, U.S., April 15, 2020
US Foreign Policy

Vox Populi: What Americans Think About Foreign Policy

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Carnegie Council Podcasts
Dina Smeltz

Dina Smeltz shares survey results covering the role that Americans think the United States should be playing in the world.

An American flag curls over a map of Eastern Europe.
US Foreign Policy

America Needs a New North Korea Strategy

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National Interest
Matthew Abbott

One should not be naïve about the actions, intentions, or record of the North Korean leadership. But one should also not be naïve that the current impasse with North Korea is likely to continue unless creative, long-term thinking and different approaches to US-North Korea relations are brought to the table.

Kim and Trump shaking hands at the red carpet during the DPRK–USA Singapore Summit
The White House
US Foreign Policy

'Wartime' Leadership? Donald Trump Is No FDR

In the News
The Chicago Tribune
Thomas G. Weiss

Among the most preposterous of delusions from our delusional president is that he is qualified to lead the country in the "war" against COVID-19. Could we imagine a contrast more ludicrous than that between the recycled reality-TV host and Franklin D. Roosevelt?

President Roosevelt examines a globe presented to him by the U.S. Army. December 25, 1942.
FDR Presidential Library & Museum
US Foreign Policy