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US Foreign Policy

Biden's Meeting with Xi Set a Very Low Bar for US-China Relations

In the News
World Politics Review
Paul Poast

"If there’s one thing the two sides agree on, it’s that they disagree on some fundamental issues," Paul Poast writes.

President Joe Biden and China's President President Xi Jinping walk in the gardens
AP Photos
US Foreign Policy

Hostage Negotiators Face New Obstacles

In the News
Ivo H. Daalder

"We should never forget that ultimately people are the ones who suffer in war, and they are now being helped at least a little bit," Ivo Daalder tells Kate Bolduan.

Screen shot of Ivo Daalder (right) on CNN with Kate Bolduan. US Foreign Policy

Understanding the State of US Support to Ukraine

In the News
Center for New American Security
Ivo H. Daalder

When it comes to sustained US support for Kyiv, "gloomy is probably the right word to describe what's happening," says Ivo Daalder.

Two officers of Ukraine's state border guard walk to their positions in a snowy field in Sumy region, Ukraine, beneath a grey sky on Friday, Nov. 24, 2023.
AP Photos
US Foreign Policy

The US Has Leverage with Israel and Should Use It

In the News
Chicago Tribune
Elizabeth Shackelford

The time has come for Washington to use its military support to help put Israel on a better path to peace, Elizabeth Shackelford argues.

An Israeli mobile artillery unit fired a shell from southern Israel towards the Gaza Strip
AP Photos
US Foreign Policy

The Israel-Hamas War Won’t Change the Global Order

In the News
World Politics Review
Paul Poast

"The war is more a reflection of change in the international system, such as rising multipolarity, rather than a cause of change," Paul Poast argues.

resident Joe Biden speaks as he meets with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
AP Photos
US Foreign Policy

The Joe Biden-Xi Jinping Summit: Nothing Accomplished?

In the News
The National Interest
Paul Heer

Despite Washington and Beijing’s apparent satisfaction with the meeting, the tensions at the heart of the relationship show no signs of abating, Paul Heer writes.

President Joe Biden greets China's President President Xi Jinping
AP Photos
US Foreign Policy

Poll: Proportion of Americans Worried about China's Rise Hits Post-Cold War High

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Radio Free Asia
Craig Kafura

The US public's perception of China has changed significantly since Xi Jinping took office, Craig Kafura says.

China's President President Xi Jinping speaks during a meeting with President Joe Biden
AP Photos
Public Opinion

More Americans Concerned China's Rise Is Threat to US Than Any Time since 1990: Survey

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South China Morning Post
Craig Kafura

"It will take years of continued improvements to rebuild American confidence and trust in China," Craig Kafura says.

An American flag is flown next to the Chinese national emblem outside the Great Hall of the People in Beijing
AP Photos
Public Opinion

Biden Meets Xi This Week as More Americans See China as a Critical Threat

In the News
Dina Smeltz

Dina Smeltz unpacks new Council data that show Americans across political parties are concerned about China's rise.

President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping shake hands
AP Photos
Public Opinion

Washington's Deep Defense Pockets Somehow Aren't Deep Enough

In the News
World Politics Review
Paul Poast

"The US defense industry faces real challenges in its ability to actually produce weapons in a timely fashion," Paul Poast writes.

President Joe Biden speaks on security assistance to Ukraine during a visit to the Lockheed Martin Pike County Operations facility
AP Photos
US Foreign Policy