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US Foreign Policy

Disappointments Abound in 2022 Pentagon Budget

In the News
Chicago Tribune
Elizabeth Shackelford

“Blindly increasing our defense dollars isn’t a path to more security,” writes Senior Fellow Elizabeth Shackelford in the Chicago Tribune.

Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin, sits at a table with Congress to discuss China's pacing.
Staff Sgt. Jack Sanders
Defense and Security

China Dismisses Olympic Boycott as "Farce"

In the News
WTTW Chicago Tonight
Craig Kafura

"The 2021 Chicago Council Survey finds that a narrow majority of Americans support some sort of boycott of this year’s Beijing Olympics,” Craig Kafura tells WTTW.

Screen shot of Craig Kafura appearing with John Soares and Brent Huffman on Chicago Tonight. Public Opinion

Selling the China Threat

In the News
Defense One
Ivo H. Daalder

Council President Ivo Daalder discusses how history, politics, and public opinion are reshaping the US-China relationship with Defense One.

Screen shot of Ivo Daalder speaking at Defense One's Outlook for 2022 virtual event. US Foreign Policy

Russia's Aggression Towards Ukraine

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The Diane Rehm Show
Ivo H. Daalder

Ivo Daalder spoke with Diane Rhem about why Ukraine is so important to Russia, what it means for Europe's security, and how the US can deescalate the situation.

Volodymyr Zelenskiy speaks by phone with U.S. President Joe Biden in Kyiv, Ukraine December 9, 2021
Defense and Security

Has Washington's Policy Toward Taiwan Crossed the Rubicon?

In the News
National Interest
Paul Heer

"If Taiwan […] is part of an international struggle against the PRC, how is that not a de facto ‘one China, one Taiwan’ policy?” writes Paul Heer in National Interest.

Secretary of Defense, Lloyd J. Austin III administers the oath of office to Dr. Ely Ratner.
Chad J. McNeeley
US Foreign Policy

Biden-Putin Talks on Ukraine Crisis Rooted in Older Dispute

In the News
WTTW Chicago Tonight
Cécile Shea

Cécile Shea discusses Russia-Ukraine tensions and the call between President Joe Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin on Chicago Tonight.

Screen shot of Cecile Shea on Chicago Tonight discussing Ukraine and Russia. US Foreign Policy

Biden's Democracy Summit Was Never a Good Idea. But Here's How to Make It Work.

In the News
Bruce Jentleson

Bruce Jentleson coauthors four suggestions for mitigating the pitfalls and maybe even pulling off a success at the Summit for Democracy in Politico.

Adam Schultz
US Foreign Policy

This Land Is No Longer Your Land: A Primer on Territorial Disputes

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War on the Rocks
Paul Poast

“The potential flashpoints for a major power war this century all revolve around territory,” writes Nonresident Fellow Paul Poast in War on the Rocks.

A fire control specialist with the US Army throws a RQ-11 Raven System into the blue sky during training exercise.
Sgt. Dustin D. Biven
Global Politics

Omicron Proves World Fails to Face Global Threats with Global Solutions

In the News
Chicago Tribune
Elizabeth Shackelford

“The biggest cost of the nationalist reaction [to omicron] is its damage to future global cooperation,” writes Elizabeth Shackelford in the Chicago Tribune.

A notice about COVID-19 safety measures is pictured next to closed doors at a departure hall of Narita international airport
Global Politics

US Legislative Branch Engagement with North Korea

In the News
Matthew Abbott

Matt Abbott recommends several steps the US can take to promote more effective engagement with North Korea with the National Committee on American Foreign Policy.

Kim Jong Un speaks at a podium in front of a North Korean flag
Defense and Security