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US Foreign Policy

The Pros and Cons of Speaker Pelosi's Taiwan Visit

In the News
BBC World News
Matthew Abbott

"This may make it more challenging for the US to work with China on a whole host of issues, including combatting climate change, trade, [and] North Korean demilitarization," says Matt Abbott.

Matt Abbott speaks on BBC World News. Global Politics

Condemning the Chinese Communist Party Is Not Enough

In the News
The National Interest
Paul Heer

Condemning the CCP regime "will have limited utility and success in either liberalizing China or yielding other strategic benefits for the United States."

Visitors stop at an exhibit on the Chinese Communist Party at the National Museum in Beijing.
Global Politics

Biden's Middle East Trip Was All About Iran

In the News
World Politics Review
Paul Poast

Paul Poast analyzes the criticism towards President Biden's Saudi Arabia visit during his recent Middle East trip.

President Joe Biden meets with UAE President Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed al-Nahyan.
US Foreign Policy

Shea and Heer on Biden's China Comments

In the News
Conversation Six

Cécile Shea and Paul Heer discuss President Biden's recent trip to the Middle East and the power competition between China and the US.

U.S President Joe Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Lapid.
US Foreign Policy

Abe's Greatest Success Might Have Been Navigating the Trump Years

In the News
World Politics Review
Paul Poast

In spite of Trump, Shinzo Abe was still able to strengthen US-Japan relations during his time as Prime Minister.

U.S. President Donald Trump and Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe walk together at the Akasaka Palace in Tokyo on November 6, 2017.
US Foreign Policy

Engagement With China Has Not Failed

In the News
The National Interest
Paul Heer

Paul Heer argues that US engagement with China has not failed - it just has not succeeded yet, and is still worth trying.

Chinese President Xi Jinping in Paris.
US Foreign Policy

Paul Poast and Stephen Walt on Realism

In the News
Conversation Six
Paul Poast

Paul Poast and Stephen Walt have a conversation on their recent articles covering realism and a defense of realism.

A building destroyed by Russian rockets in Kharkiv, Ukraine.
US Foreign Policy

Former Japanese PM Shinzo Abe Assassinated

In the News
Cécile Shea

Nonresident Fellow Cecile Shea reflects on her close work with the Abe administration as a senior embassy official in Tokyo with CBC’s Aarti Pole.

Screenshot of Cecile Shea and Aarti Pole on CBC. Global Politics

America Is Leading the World Backward

In the News
Chicago Tribune

“A series of radical rulings makes America’s exhortations about promoting democracy ring hollow,” write Senior Fellows Elizabeth Shackelford and Dina Smeltz.

Hands hold yellow sign saying "Bans off our bodies" in front of a blue sky US Foreign Policy

America Must Beware Its Foreign Policy Blind Spots

In the News
The National Interest
Paul Heer

Paul Heer argues that, after the invasion of Ukraine, the United States must recognize and confront its foreign policy blind spots.

An American flag curls over a map of Eastern Europe.
Defense and Security