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US Foreign Policy

North Korea Fires Ballistic Missile Over Japan

In the News
BBC World News
Karl Friedhoff

"I think this is part of a process that North Korea is carrying out, to try to normalize their weapons programs over all," Karl Friedhoff tells BBC World News.

Karl Friedhoff speaks with BBC World News. Defense and Security

Russian Forces Retreat from Lyman

In the News
CNN International
Ivo H. Daalder

Putin “has not learned the first law of holes, which is that if you're in one you stop digging,” Ivo Daalder tells CNN’s Fredricka Whitfield.

Screenshot of Ivo Daalder speaking on CNNi with Fredricka Whitfield US Foreign Policy

The US-UK 'Special Relationship' Isn't so Special Anymore

In the News
World Politics Review
Paul Poast

"Britain's leadership change offers an opportunity to take stock of the US and UK's 'special relationship,' which now looks pretty normal," Paul Poast argues.

Britain's King Charles meets with Prime Minster Liz Truss US Foreign Policy

Sanctions: What Everyone Needs to Know

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Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Bruce Jentleson

Bruce Jentleson sits down with Chris Chivvis to discuss his new book.

Bruce Jentleson and Chris Chivvis chat by video US Foreign Policy

Putin's NATO Bungle

In the News
Ivo H. Daalder

"Russia’s actions have only cemented American support for NATO," writes Council President Ivo Daalder in POLITICO.

Vladimir Putin sits at a desk and looks up from a folio with raised eyebrows, red flag behind him.
US Foreign Policy

The West Is Now a Co-Belligerent in the War in Ukraine

In the News
World Politics Review
Paul Poast

If Russia does ultimately lose the war, Nonresident Fellow Paul Poast argues, it will be a great victory for the West and NATO.

Ukrainian President Zelensky appears by video at NATO summit
Defense and Security

Xi Unlikely to Throw Putin a Lifeline

In the News
Bloomberg Markets Asia
Ivo H. Daalder

Are close ties with Russia a liability for Xi Jinping? Council President Ivo Daalder argues "in some ways, it is" on Bloomberg Markets Asia.

Ivo Daalder speaks with Yvonne Man, David Ingles and Rishaad Salamat on "Bloomberg Markets Asia". Defense and Security

Ukraine Makes Gains in War with Russia

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CBS News
Ivo H. Daalder

Ukrainian forces have retaken roughly 3,000 square kilometers of territory in the past nine days. Council President Ivo Daalder analyzes on CBS News.

Screenshot of Ivo Daalder speaking on CBS news next to footage of Ukrainian soldiers saluting flag near pine trees. Defense and Security

A 'New' Gorbachev Won't Rescue US-Russia Relations after Putin

In the News
World Politics Review
Paul Poast

There’s no reason to believe that any successor to Putin would be any more likely to depart from Russia’s current path, Paul Poast argues.

Gorbachev and Reagan stand side by side
US Foreign Policy

China's Human Rights Abuses Must Not Go Ignored

In the News
Chicago Tribune
Elizabeth Shackelford

"The international community should make China a pariah for its crimes against the Uyghur population," Elizabeth Shackelford argues.

A man takes part in a demonstration against China during its Universal Periodic Review by the UN Rights Council
US Foreign Policy