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What is the International Court of Justice, where Israel faces genocide charges?

By Hope O'Dell

On Dec. 29, South Africa brought genocide charges against Israel in the International Court of Justice. Israel said it will defend itself from the charges at hearings on Jan. 11 and 12 in The Hague. 

5 minute read

See how 32 countries moved away from the US and Israel in latest UN cease-fire vote

By Hope O'Dell

The United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution on Dec. 12 that called for a cease-fire in the Israel-Hamas war by an overwhelming majority of the 193-member body, receiving 153 votes, compared with 120 votes for the Oct. 27 resolution calling for a "humanitarian truce." 

3 minute read

How the US has used its power in the UN to support Israel for decades

By Hope O'Dell

The U.S. has vetoed U.N. Security Council resolutions critical of Israel more than any other council member – 45 times, according to an analysis by Blue Marble. 

4 minute read

As US universities struggle with the Israel-Hamas war, what's happening on campuses around the world?

By Laura Adamczyk

Since Oct. 7, people on college campuses across the United States have been struggling with what's happening in Israel and Gaza. Battles surrounding free speech are playing out at universities in Europe, as well. 

5 minute read

Why a rabbi decided to mourn with his Muslim neighbors

By Liza Slutskaya, By Hannah Long-Higgins

When Rabbi Hody Nemes heard about the murder of 6-year-old Wadea Al-Fayoume, he was horrified. 

'Start with that human feeling': Interfaith friendship on campus

By Hannah Long-Higgins, By Liza Slutskaya

Acts of antisemitism and Islamophobia have increased on U.S. college campuses since Oct. 7.

What makes this hostage situation different?

By Hannah Long-Higgins

“The war between Israel and Hamas was effectively started with a hostage crisis,” Dr. Danielle Gilbert told Blue Marble.

'I make art so the world doesn't forget the girls of Afghanistan'

By Hannah Long-Higgins

Before the Taliban came into power in 2021, 23-year-old artist Atena Soltani supported herself financially through art projects. Unable to have a normal life in Afghanistan under Taliban rule, she moved to Italy. Now, she transforms her challenges and concerns for girls living in Afghanistan into sketches. 

The US doesn't recognize Taiwan as a sovereign nation, so why is it arming the island?

By Hope O'Dell

The U.S. has maintained a delicate balance between not officially recognizing Taiwan as a sovereign nation and arming the island to fend off any Chinese aggression out of concern that an expanding China could threaten its own political and economic interests in the Asia-Pacific region.

5 minute read

Here's what you can read to better understand the Israel-Hamas war

By AJ Caughey

We compiled five expert lists of recommended reading from diverse authors, viewpoints, and backgrounds to help explain the history, context, and experiences shaping the war.

3 minute read