
Susan Raymond

Vice President of Program Integration and Chief Innovation Officer, Edmundite Missions
Susan Raymond, Ph.D. is Vice President of Program Integration and Chief Innovation Officer of Edmundite Missions in Selma, Alabama. She has…

Tim Judah

Special Correspondent, The Economist
Tim Judah

Ilva Tare

Nonresident Senior Fellow, Atlantic Council
Ilva Tare

Mario Maciel

Anton Grushetsky

Deputy Executive Director, Kyiv International Institute of Sociology
Anton Grushetsky is the deputy executive director at the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology.
Anton Grushetsky

Chandni Singh

Senior Researcher, Indian Institute for Human Settlements
Chandni Singh is a Senior Researcher and faculty at the School of Environment and Sustainability at the Indian Institute for Human Settlements.…

Maitreyi Koduganti Venkata

Researcher, Indian Institute for Human Settlements
Maitreyi Koduganti is a researcher with the Practice team at Indian Institute for Human Settlement (IIHS), Bangalore. An alumnus from UNESCO IHE…
Maitreyi Koduganti Venkata

Richard Smith

Associate Professor, Swansea University

Nisha Singh

Global Cities Research Intern

Kathleen Klaus

Assistant Professor, Peace and Conflict Research, Uppsala University