
Cynthia Sanborn

Professor, Political Science, Universidad del Pacífico- Peru

Ryan Dube

Latin America Reporter, The Wall Street Journal
Ryan Dube Headshot

Rifquah Hendricks

Senior Social Consultant
Rifquah Hendricks

Sheila Smith

John E. Merow Senior Fellow, Asia-Pacific Studies, Council on Foreign Relations

Masashi Murano

Japan Chair Fellow, Hudson Institute
Murano Headshot

Andrew Williams

Project Director, Deep South Food Alliance
Andrew Williams is the project director of the Deep South Food Alliance, a network of organizations, producers, and aggregators in southeast,…
Andrew Williams is pictured from the shoulders up wearing a white button-up shirt and a black hat.

Leah Altman

Development Director, Intertribal Agriculture Council
Leah Altman (Oglala Lakota) is the Development Director at the Intertribal Agriculture Council and oversees the fundraising activities of the…
Leah Altman is pictured from the shoulders up smiling into the camera and wearing a black shirt with a necklace and earrings.

Kevin Bustamante

Doctoral Candidate, University of Notre Dame
Kevin Bustamante is a fourth-year PhD student in the Department of Political Science at the University of Notre Dame. Bustamante is broadly…
Headshot photo of Kevin Bustamante

Mari Faines

Partner for Mobilization, Global Zero
Mari Faines serves as the Partner for Mobilization at Global Zero, with oversight of movement building strategies, which navigate the intersection…
headshot photo of Mari Faines

Jenna Kaplan

Global Cities Intern