
Jonathan Macha

Former Managing Director, Programs
Headshot for Jon Macha

Jody Oetzel

Former Special Assistant, Chicago Council on Global Affairs
Jody Oetzel joined the Chicago Council on Global Affairs in 2018 as special assistant. In this role, she provided administrative support to the…

Jenny Cizner

Former Chief Operating Officer
Headshot for Jenny Cizner

Jennifer Petersen

Former Director, Emerging Leaders Program
Jennifer Petersen served as the director of the Emerging Leaders Program at the Chicago Council on Global Affairs. She joined the Council at the…
Council expert Jennifer Petersen

Jason Kilkus

Former Director, Human Resources
Jason Kilkus joined the Chicago Council on Global Affairs in 2019 as director, human resources. In his role, Kilkus serves as a business partner…

Janey Schachte

Former Operations Officer

Iain Whitaker

Former Director, Strategic Programs and Special Projects

Gloria Dabek

Former Assistant Director, Government Relations

Florita Gunasekara

Former Assistant Director, Global Cities
Florita Gunasekara

Ellen Janowski

Former Assistant Director, Digital Marketing and Analytics
Ellen Janowski is currently the assistant director of digital marketing and analytics. Janowski joined the Council in 2015 and has worked on the…
Former Council staff Ellen Janowski