
Tria Raimundo

Director, Strategic Partnerships and Stakeholder Engagement
Tria Raimundo joined the Chicago Council on Global Affairs in 2013 and is currently the director of strategic partnerships and stakeholder…
Council staff Tria Raimundo

Susan Kahan

Former Director, Major Gifts and Individual Giving
Council staff Susan Kahan

Shana Chandler

Senior Bookkeeper
Shana Chandler joined the Chicago Council on Global Affairs in 2007 and is currently the senior bookkeeper. Prior to joining the Council, Chandler…

Sarah Kowalczyk

Chief of Staff to the CEO
Sarah Kowalczyk joined the Chicago Council on Global Affairs in 2019 and is the chief of staff to the CEO. Prior to joining the Council, she…
Headshot for Sarah Kowalczyk

Samantha Monroe

Senior Vice President, Brand Strategy & Content
Samantha Skinner joined the Council in 2006 and helped to launch its new name, the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, and brand identity. As the…
Samantha Skinner Monroe

Roz Roberts

Former Director, Database Services

Robert Cordes

Former Controller
Headshot for Bob Cordes

Rachael Mizuno

Former Director, Next Generation
Rachael Mizuno currently serves as the director of next generation at the Chicago Council on Global Affairs. Mizuno joined the Council in 2015 and…
Council staff Rachael Mizuno

Matthew Porter

Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer
Matthew Porter joined the Chicago Council on Global Affairs in 2015 and is currently the senior vice president and chief operating officer. Prior…
Council expert Matthew Porter is pictured outside in a suit looking into the camera

Patrick Hernandez

Former Program Officer, Engagement Programs
Patrick Hernandez joined the Chicago Council on Global Affairs in 2018 and served as the program officer of engagement programs. He previously…
Patrick Hernandez headshot