
Zanny Beddoes

Editor in Chief, The Economist
Zanny Minton Beddoes is the editor-in-chief of The Economist. During 25 years at the newspaper she has written special reports on the…
Headshot of Zanny Minton Beddoes

Benjamin Haddad

Sophie Pedder

Joanna Rohozinska

Senior Program Officer, National Endowment for Democracy
Headshot for Joanna Rohozinska

Melinda Haring

Deputy Director of the Eurasia Center, Atlantic Council
Headshot for Melinda Haring

Mustafa Akyol

Senior Fellow, Cato Institute
Headshot for Mustafa Akyol

Steven Cook

Senior Fellow, Council on Foreign Relations
Headshot for Steven A. Cook

Jessica Adelman

Pamela Anderson

Lester Brown